Hello everyone, again! My question is concerning the clock speed on my laptop. It says it runs at 800 Mhz when on battery which I know is to save power. But when it is plugged in it is saying only 1.6 GHz. I thought it was supposed to run at 1.8? It says this where you right clock on "My Computer" BTW. Thanks!
Okay, now I'm really confused. When I start the computer on AC power, it usually says 800 MHZ but then after a few minutes will change to 1.6 and then finally 1.8. But if I go check it again later it could sometimes say 1.6 or 800 again. I benched it on Sandra and the CPU scores were: 7,826 / 2,847 / 3,665. On battery they were like half that so I know it's running faster but I just don't know if it's running quite what it should. If anyone can help me that'd be great!!!
What are you using to check the clock speed? If you are relying on Windows that is not reliable.
What is a good program to check clock speed with then? I'm scoring twice as high when I have it plugged in so it must be running faster on AC even though it still only says 800. I just don't want to do the Power Now fix though because i WANT it to run at 800 when on battery. But I just want to be sure that it is indeed switching to full speed when plugged in. Ahhhh lol
Go to AMD.com and download the PowerNow! Dashboard. This will show you how your CPU is behaving dynamically. It can be found at http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/SellAMDProducts/0,,30_177_3472_1353%5E3841%5E9079%5E964,00.html
M6805 Clock Speed?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by kx_guy86, Jun 12, 2004.