Subject line about says it all.. I am a linux newbie (messed with it years ago) and now I want to go with a 64bit linux distro on my m6809, it will run secondary to my winxp install, but I am hoping some day to go full bore with linux.. So give me your thoughts and opinions on which distro to go with.. I want ease of use and install.. Easy install of apps (wine, vmware, pearpc, etc.).... So let me hear some of your experiences and what distro you have install on you m68XX...
Stylee -
M6809 WinXP Pro SP2 Athlon 64 3200+ @ 2.1ghz 7200rpm 60GB 4200rpm external 80GB 768mb pc2700 Radeon 9600 @ 418.5/216 3DMark2001 11442 3DMark03 3010 AquaMark3 25751
ubuntu baby! . i will be writing a guide soon for 32 bit ubuntu... but 64 bit is almost the same. the problem is though... alot of 32 bit apps are close source and aren't ported to 64. FOr instance....... the Flash plugin for web browsers is 32 bit only . but it is possible to get 32 bit apps to run in a 64 bit environment with this:
Linux Newbie - Best Distro for m6809?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by stylee, May 14, 2005.