as you might know already... well i dont know the details about other models of eMachines Notebooks... they keyboard comes with a Fn key that is in the annoying spot on the keyboard...
on the left + bottom corner of the layout: fn, ctrl, windows key, alt, |, space
they should have swapped the position of the fn key with the control key ... now this is annoying me since I always use control now my question, is it possible to switch the position of the fn key with ctrl key
Google 'keyboard remapper' or 'keyboard remapping' and you'll find a bunch of them.
First PC = Vic-20, 8" 128KB Home-Brew Floppy Drive ... Current Rig = eMachines m6805 ... Quantum Leap? -
I tried one of the ones I found on the interweb and the function key wasn't recognized as a key that can be 'remapped'. From what I understand the function key isn't even reported to the operating system as a valid keystroke.
If you have any luck let me know
Keyboard Mod [ctrl & Fn]
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by Brik182, Sep 20, 2004.