My game graphics look very distorted. There are jagged diagonal lines and some objects are see through. There are lots of miscellaneous geometric lines all about. The two games i am trying to play are Knights of the Old Republic & Alien vs. Predator 2. These are also seen when running 3dmark03.
I have xp pro installed with DirectX9b and the omega drivers. I have tried unistalling the omega and put on the standard driver from Disk three and still the same crappy graphics. I adjust the ATI settings and also the game settings and still can't get any decent looking graphics. I thought this was a gaming machine. I play the same games on a desktop pc with a Athlon xp at 1.8 ghz and a Radeon 9200 64bit graphics card and they look great. The specs on my 6805 are better (I thought) and they suck. Is there anything I may have done wrong. Everything else on the computer has been installed correctly according to the FAQ on installing xp pro. Please help. Thanks
I realize your post is a month old and if you've resolved the graphics problem please disregard this suggestion. The syptoms you describe sound like a driver problem. After uninstalling the Omega drivers and before installing any other drivers it helps to run a program called Driver Cleaner to get rid of all the remnants of the previous drivers the uninstall process tends to leave behind. I've had to do this a couple of times on my desktop after upgrading drivers. Good luck perry.
Emachine M6805
No Cracked Hinges(yet) -
I tried the omega drivers, all the default settings, they worked fine for about a day then the system started crashing. I Rolled the drivers back to the origional ATI drivers and it works fine again.
I had these symptoms from time to time with World of Warcraft. Over a few weeks, the problem advanced until I was occasionally getting what looked like timing errors or defective memory errors in all video, including the Windows desktop. Eventually it progressed to a hard failure, with the video being messed up even during boot.
This was good news. When I took it in for service I could point to it and say, "Fix that," rather than have to describe problems that might or might not show themselves to the tech.
Best Buy replaced the mother board and the "rear video display module." which makes me suspect they thought it was a vid chip problem, replaced the mother board, then when that didn't fix it, replaced the lid.
As a secondary effect, I now have uncracked (and possibly redesigned) hinges.
As a side note, the person who bought this machine also bought an Extended Warranty, which in this case, contrary to the usual situation, actually paid off.
Help with crappy game graphics on 6805
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by perry, Jun 19, 2004.