Hey - I've read this entire forum and gleaned some really awesome info from it that I'm going to use to try to convince BB to come good on the 3 year "NO LEMON" PSP. I am convinced my machine is a lemon. I've had ongoing video issues since the day I got it back from the cracked hinge repair a week after purchase, I've had wireless NIC issues, a dead HD, and now my machine is all banged up and unstable since it's been out for repair 5 times. I don't know why they are dragging their feet, but I'm making my case this week.
So, I know that Gateway's 74XX were comparable to the eMachines 68XX. I'm just wondering which model specifically is the sister to the M6811?
I have found a couple somewhat comparable Gateway machines available at BB but they aren't EXACTLY comparable, since it's been 1.5 years. They have upgraded ram and hdd, different video, and it appears that the one closest in spec to my machine comes with XP Media Center. Not sure how I feel about that.
Anyone with any insight who wants to share, I'd really appreciate it. This is a great machine, but I purchased the highest spec machine I could get AND the PSP to try and protect myself from this very situation. My machine has been down 7 of the last 18 months. I don't trust the system any more and I'm convinced that some of my problems are due to the fact that it's been shipped back and forth so much and taken apart so many times. I don't want to spend a week getting my system settings back the way I like them, burn a recovery CD, and dump my data back on just to have the machine crash and burn again.
Thanks for reading the rant, if you got this far.
I just recently exchanged my M6809 under the no lemon policy on my warranty through BB. They offer "technology for technology", which is why they wouldnt allow me to upgrade to a HP DV8000t, even if I paid the difference in cost from my M6809. They did however replace it with this toshiba, which I am happy with so far. Faster HD, more ram, 17" glossy screen, better speakers, better video card etc. Not exactly what I'd really want now days, but definitely a step up from the M6809.
Gateway Equivalent model to eMachines M6811?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by GeorgineVJ, Apr 24, 2006.