OK, after a long headache of searching for a new laptop computer it's been narrowed down to the EMa 6811 or a HP 5260(or similar, was trying to find something almost like the stuff the 6811 has) I'm now 98% sure that I will be spending my Money with BestBuy and getting the 6811.
I have read a lot about the screen hinges cracking and a few pixels on the screen dead hear and there. Anyway, is the Best Buy service plan worth the extra $300, what do they cover, I always get different answers for different employees. If I shouldn't get the EMa what should I get?
I use it for Photoshop and Illustrator and a few games.
Thank you for your time and help. [xx(]
EMachines 6811 questions
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by NewCompOnTheWay, Aug 29, 2004.