Is this a cosmetic flaw or will it over time make the screen unable to stay open?
I hear a lot of folks say that it is only cosmetic, but when I had a 6809 I could feel the extra play in the monitor. Seems more than cosmetic to me.
But either way, it's BS you shouldn't have to put up with. Unless you're really attached to the eMachines model, I suggest you bully a refund or exchange out of the retailer you got it from. I did.
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Former owner of the eMachines M6809 until the hinges cracked on three seperate occasions. -
Well, on the numerous occasions that my hinges have cracked, the monitor does definitely feel a little looser after the hinges break. Not to the point that the monitor is gonna fall off or slam shut on your little fingers, just loose. But that doesn't matter in my opinion. Even if it is 'just cosmetic', it is totally unacceptable and should be replaced.[V]
My Canada Does Not Include Celine Dion -
Tonight, after many months of the tension loosening, my screen has finally lossed all tension, and will no longer stay up on its own. I hope they will fix this quickly.
Cracked hinges question
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by Learux, Jan 31, 2005.