I love my 6809... but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about some sort of coating, or cover that I can use to shield my lid...it seems to get scratched VERY easily. And, while it is scratched now, my monitor hinge is cracked and I am sending it back, so my lid will have a new shell...any ideas?
Another question...what do you guys use to clean the "cracks" on the keyboard...like between the keys, and inset where the kb and tp is inserted. I am using computer monitor wipes I got at Wam-a-lart (Wal-Mart) in the electronics dept. the wipes work wonderfully well, but they come out kinda wet...so I just let it dry out a bit and clean my screen with one, and use another to clean the rest...
anyways, let me know if you guys have any ideas
Not sure about a cover/coating, but I use canned air for my keyboard...
You may be able to buy a film for the top. I know 3M makes something like that for cars. They stick it onto the nose of your hood as added protection againts rock chips (had that put on my car). You may be able to find something similar that is large enough to stick on your notebook.
FYI, you must be careful on how you stick this on your notebook. Also, if your notebook has a lot of curves, some areas ligher/lower, putting this film on will be a bit difficult. If the lid is flat and smooth, you shouldn't have too much problem. Try to get it right the first time, if you try peeling it off due to a mistake, you may cause damage on the notebook surface. The glue is meant to stick and stay on a car no matter what environment your in.
Cosmetic Cover, any ideas?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by HardDrive, Sep 2, 2004.