I just got off the phone with EMachine Corporate and was told they were making a decision this week on whether or not they were going to do anything about the cracked hinges.
If you have a crack and have not contacted the corporate office, please do so immediately.
I examined my laptop 3 days ago and did not have a crack. Today it was there.
If you don't call and they decide to continue the policy of not fixing it, you have no one to blame but yourself.
I just called. The guy that answered the phone was very nice and took down my info. I also gushed about how much I liked the machine, which certainly didn't hurt...
Lexxter is right, EVERYONE should get on the ball and call.
Tony -
PhoenixTheAssassin Notebook Enthusiast
Lol! I actually used to work for them, and at the time it was their policy to always replace the cracked hinges. I came across this 7415GX for cheap, but I wasn't the original purchaser. Anyone know if that will cause a snag when I try to get it repaired? Thanks in advance,
Contact Emachine Corporate about cracked hinge NOW
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by lexxter, Jul 12, 2004.