Is there any difference in the Gateway 7405GX BIOS compared to Emachines? I've a emachine M6809 with its BIOS flashed to version 0F08.P00. Gateway version is 52.00.01.
In my M6809, the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Boot section shows 4 items: CD-ROM Drive, Hard Drive, Removable Devices & Network Boot. Does the Gateway BIOS have any additional items? Maybe boot from USB or Firewire 1394?? I've read on the Phoenix Technologies website that their latest BIOS can do just that.
I'm looking for an alternative way to bootup first without going through the Hard Drive or CD-ROM Drive. My DVD burner seems to have gone haywire. I've tried everything to fix it but it still doesn't work. Worst still, it happens after my warranty expires! What else can I do if I want to do a clean install of Windows or upgrade to XP PRO/x64/Vista/Linux? If I change my current hard drive, how else can I install an OS on a new HD? I'm looking for any alternative options other than replacing the DVD burner. Anyone know how to set up a network boot? I've networked my M6809 to my desktop via the firewire.
Can anyone tell me what is PXE function? It's found in the BIOS Setup Utility Advanced section. If you enable it and save the BIOS, the Boot section will show an additional item, Intel UNDI, PXE-2.0 (build 082). What is that?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
How about an external usb drive?
I've thought of getting an external DVD instead of replacing the internal DVD burner since it is faster and cheaper but is it possible to boot up from the external DVD? I'm planning to replace my HD to a 7200 rpm HD. That is on hold at the moment because I'm worried I won't be able to install an OS into the new HD.
I installed XP from my external NEC drive on my T42, but every maker is different.
There are basically two different Mother Boards used in the eMachines m68xx and Gateway 74xx laptops. One uses 0Fxx BIOS and the other the 52.xx series. There are no additional BIOS options with either, however using the wrong one can result in issues like the power meter not working. For the latest 0F BIOS go to the eMachines website and find it under the m6805 support section.
Thanks for the info. I already have the latest M68xx BIOS. Any idea what is the PXE function?
Zazonz, was it a clean install? ie format the HD clean then install Win XP again? Your T42 can detect the external DVD via the USB at initial boot up (BIOS)? I've not found a way to do that on my M6809. -
Yes it were. Did it at a friends house. Was a little concerned myself, but it worked like a charm although I did have modular drive at home if all else failed.
PXE is a boot from network protocol.
I managed to borrow a external hard drive with Win XP already installed in it. It's connected to my M6809 via the USB. I wanted to test if I could at get it to boot up. Couldn't get it to work. Can I assume an external DVD wouldn't work on intial boot up too?
Anyone has any idea if this PXE thing or network boot can help in my situation?
If I replace my internal DVD burner, anybody knows how to swap the DVD cover? I can see two bezel from the top of the ejected tray near the cover. Took that out but the cover seems firmly in place. Didn't want to pry too hard and break any plastic. -
PXE would help if you wanted to set up a Windows 2000 Server box and install Remote Installation Services (RIS). Then you would be able to boot your laptop from the network and install whatever OS you had configured RIS to offer.
Anyone flashed their emachines BIOS to Gateway?
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by Kane, Aug 26, 2005.