Just bought this laptop 2 days ago. After 3 weeks I will write a full review. For now one question.
When I look at the processor speed in system most of the time it says somewhere around 793 Mhz, once in a while I see 1.59Mhz how do I change it so I get the full speed going?
Note to self, read trough forum first before posting.
Tx guys!!
Learux -
How's your hinges?
My hinge is cracked again! -
Cracked off course when you say again you mean they fixed it and it happened after the fix?
Learux -
After exchanging for a new one, they cracked again. Several others on this board have had them crack after the EMacines fix.
My Canada Does Not Include Celine Dion
6811 question
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by Learux, Jan 28, 2005.