I have a 6805 that I bought a little over a year ago and, you guessed it the warranty is up, and now the screen is barely bright enough to see at night. During the day forget it. Everything is there and works fine, I just cant see a damn thing. I tried everything I and Emachines could think of. I hooked to an external monitor, reinstalled card drivers, system restore, and adjusting screen in menu. Nothing worked.
So apparently its a screen issue, not software. I was told that they wouldnt fix it and to take it some place local to be repaired. I have a feeling I'm looking at a good amount of money to repair this. A posssible screen replacement sounds about right. Can you guys help me out? Like either something else to try or a place to get a cheap new screen if need be? Anything you could come up with would be a help. Its a shame because I really love the laptop. I really want to fix it but not put another $500 in to it to do it. Help if you can.
This post from Notebook forums might help. http://www.notebookforums.com/showthread.php?t=58403
First PC = Vic-20, 8" 128KB Home-Brew Floppy Drive ... Current Rig = eMachines m6805 ... Quantum Leap? -
Thanks for the link. I'll have to go thru the whole post as soon as I can. Seems worth a try.
6805 screen went dim
Discussion in 'eMachines' started by thewhits, Jun 12, 2005.