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    Similair experience with OC Cards?

    Discussion in 'Desktop Hardware' started by Danishblunt, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    So a friend had this OC strixx 750TI and it was a disaster. It ran completely unstable on power limit and votage limit, throwing the clocks up and down causing massive FPS drops. He played Fallout 4 and it would drop sometimes to 30s FPS.

    I modded the vBios and made the card run at 1.4ghz stable (before it was 1.1-1.2ghz), no powerlimit or voltage limit errors and he's now enjoying his Fallout on stable 60FPS, sadly it's a version that runs only via the PCI-E port and he has a 2.0 board, meaning 75W is the absolute limit so anything over 1.4ghz was rather hard and not worth the effort.

    Does anyone else have this kind of experience with their OC cards? Honestly I don't even know why this is a thing, I find it pathethic that a company like Asus cannot fix their card, meanwhile random danish guy can make it run stable on 1.4ghz without any throttling.
  2. StormJumper

    StormJumper Notebook Virtuoso

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    If that card wasn't made for OC and you did it there would be instability and considering the age of the card and GPU chipset it most likely wasn't made for such OC that your doing and time and age isn't helping it. What another does is what they do and since there is no way to compare matching hardware that is all speculations as to what they did. I wouldn't play fallout 4 on anything less then a 1060 6G GPU especially if you wanting 60fps.
  3. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    U're wrong, the card was stock OC (asus strixx are the "best" OC cards from asus) to 1.2ghz and was unstable. My main gripe is why the card is so unstable at the clocks it had. He bough a 1.2ghz OC card which obviously had at least the potential to run at 1.4ghz stable, so why can I make the card run stable at 1.4ghz while Asus can't make their own OC 1.2ghz card run stable at 1.2ghz, it's a bad joke. Also the GTX 750 TI ran fallout at 60FPS stable, no need for a GTX 1060, saying you need at elast 1060 for a game like fallout is being silly, unless you plan on modding the crap out of it, then the story changes.

    If you're selling slightly OCed cards, then please fo the love of god, at least make them run stable.

    That's why I'm asking if other people have the same issues with their cards, because I'm wondering if this 750TI was an exception or if Asus is actually selling unstable cards because they are way to lazy to fix their voltage and power limits. The card would perm go on voltage and power limit, which is a joke.
  4. yrekabakery

    yrekabakery Notebook Virtuoso

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    Sadly this isn't the exception. I've also heard of other AIB brands that sell unstable factory OCed cards.