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    Should I replace my 780 Ti?

    Discussion in 'Desktop Hardware' started by Ethrem, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. Ethrem

    Ethrem Notebook Prophet

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    There's a chance I'll be getting a 980 Ti because my SKU was the most expensive that wasn't a KINGPIN or Classified card... But knowing they wouldn't try to sucker me into taking a 970 is good enough for me.

    I'm actually 1080p... In the market for a monitor... If you have any suggestions for a 24-28 inch gaming monitor, I'd love to hear them. While it's great playing on a 55" TV, 60FPS just isn't enough for me anymore.

    I won't be buying Pascal this year... The good cards won't come til next year but you're right, I had too much vodka that night, I need to not waste money on anything Maxwell. Especially when I have my 980M SLI laptop.
  2. Talon

    Talon Notebook Virtuoso

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    @Ethrem what is the status? Did you get your replacement yet? How has warranty support/customer support been through this process? I've had excellent CS from EVGA in the past on a power supply replacement. I think I'll go with them for my GPU next gen.
  3. Ethrem

    Ethrem Notebook Prophet

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    I haven't even sent it back... I decided it's not worth the hassle after looking at the numbers... Best case I get a 980, worst another 780 Ti... The 780 Ti without tessellation trades blows with the 980.

    Customer service is fantastic. First they sent UPS to come pick it up but I didn't have a UPS ready box so they sent me a prepaid label but then UPS wants 20 bucks to certify it... Its not worth it when my laptop blows it away... Even with the massive physics tank on my Clevo, the overall 1440p Catzilla score on the desktop is 9k and 12k on the Clevo. I was told I have 45 days... Although they also looked and my warranty goes til May... So I was told 60 days. I've been sick and tired (literally... I went to sleep at 2:30PM Friday and my roommate dragged me out of bed last night around 6PM because he was a) scared I was dead and b) having company he wanted me to meet)... I don't have time to return a video card when I'm still going to have to pay shipping anyway and since I moved here, I don't hear the coil whine... But EVGA gets an A+ from me other than trying to charge me 749 for a cross ship option...
  4. n=1


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    I'd still do the RMA if it costs you less than $30 for the following reasons:
    1. Kepler support is near dead, and will certainly be completely EoL when Pascal drops.
    2. 980 has 4GB of real vram, 1GB more than 780 Ti, which would come in handy even for 1080p as games become less and less optimized, use more and more resources for worse and worse graphic fidelity.
    3. Performance might be similar but you can easily gain 20-25% over your 780 Ti just by overclocking. Factory OC cards are already 10% faster than 780 Ti.
    4. Maxwell has much stronger tessellation performance, meaning you're somewhat protected against Gameworks tessellation BS.
    5. 780 Ti will lose all its value when Pascal drops, but Maxwell should still hold its own for a while.
    6. Not sure if this matters to you, but much less heat output from 980 means your room won't become a sauna in summer.
    Also as noted above, DO NOT SLI DO NOT SLI DO NOT SLI DO NOT SLI DO NOT SLI. Cannot emphasize this point enough.
    TBoneSan and TomJGX like this.
  5. killkenny1

    killkenny1 Too weird to live, too rare to die.

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    So your recent experience, Ethrem, got me thinking. I have a 2 year warranty on my 970 (will be one year old in June). Pascal comes out in 2017ish. Now I have to just work out the details. Also what is the consensus on OC and warranty?
  6. mufferer18

    mufferer18 Notebook Consultant

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    780Ti is a strong card, but holded back by it's 3gb of vram. If you can sell for good price and lose maximum 100-150usd to buy 980, i would do the swap. Or if you have a will - wait for pascal :D
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