Hi everyone, I purchased a Dell Vostro 1500 back in the fall. My notebook worked great until I noticed a brown spot (or more of a blur) on the screen. At first I thought it was dust or dirt but after cleaning the area it still was present. After contacting Dell customer service about it, they concluded that it was not a dead pixel or defect but dirt that had made in from the outside of the notebook that traveled into the inside of the lcd screen. Has anyone ever heard of this problem before? I have owned numerous notebooks over the years but this was a first. Dell customer service told me to take apart my laptop and the LCD screen to try and clean the inside of the screen myself. Does any one have any one have thoughts to help on this problem? Thank you.
you're joking right?
I wanna see inside of service persons head ,to make sure he have brain -
I wanna see inside of service persons head ,to make sure he have brain
you'd have to take it apart first. and then... gasp... put it back together. -
lol. This is funny. I want to see how this pans out since I am STILL waiting for the M1530.
One question, have you ever used Windex to clean your screen?
Can you take a picture of it?
Hmmm....This is definitely not a joke. Its for real. The dell rep told me to take apart the screen and clean it myself. I have tried special lcd screening wipes and moist tissues but nothing else to clean the screen. I was curious as what this brownish smudge might be from. Could be from damage to the lcd screen?
Call back and try to get another tech who will authorize a replacement screen.
The one you talked to is full of ####. -
thanks...I will definitely try this....
Ah actually, the rep is very likely correct (although I don't agree with his suggestion!).
I have a laptop I've used for the last 6 years, and there's a similar brown spot or two (only very small) on the screen, that are clearly behind the outer glass - and they even moved position the last time I took the LCD panel out.
What the rep suggested as a solution is also very much possible (assuming he meant what I think he did) however I'd NEVER suggest an end user do it unless they had experienced the procedure before. Basically though, the dirt/dust particle or whatever it is will be between the actual LCD screen and the backlight, so when the light shines it gets shadowed a little by the spec of dust.
The best solution like suggested will be to call up again and get the screen replaced though, or get someone to clean it who will give you a new display when they inevitably f%*k it up. -
Ok succcess.... they are going to send a replacement lcd screen.
Dell Vostro 1500: Brown spot on inside of LCD Screen
Discussion in 'Dell' started by oceanguy2821, May 25, 2008.