Hi guys, I have just bought a Dell Studio 17 in a IT shop.
This laptop offer the chance to insert a second hard disk. I opened the notebook and I saw that the connector present cannot plug a sata 2.5" hard disk.
I made some reasearch on google and I found that Dell sell a carrier
to mount the second hard drive on this laptop:
The problem is that Dell doesn't seem to sell it in Ireland. Is there any way I can get it? Is there an alternative adapter to connect a sata drive to the connector present on the laptop?
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
There's two on eBay, but you'll have to ask if the sellers will ship internationally...
http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=m38&_nkw=dell+1735+caddy -
Anyone know an alternative solution? -
I've been trying to get hold of the same carrier/interposer in the UK and the only route I have found is via a 'Dell partner' company in the UK called 'upgrade options'. Last quote provided to someone else on this forum was for £50!! If you do manage to get one at a decent price, please tell me where you get it!
I tried to post an item for sale on here, the caddy you are after, but first I posted in the wrong section as I didnt see a for sale section, then when it got moved, it got deleted, probably because I didnt use the form which I didnt know was there, so I tried to list again and now it says I dont have the privaledge?
Anyway, Have you guys found one yet?
I have one for sale Brand new, looking for £34 delivered.
As I can't use PMs or anything on this forum, add me on MSN cmor 69 @ hotmail dot com and we can go from there if you want...here is my feedback on ebay: http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/jasoncmor
PS mods: I looked through forum rules and can't see anything about a number of posts I need or anything...so if you feel the need to delete this post as well, then I would appreciate some help from you pointing out the requirements.
Edit: Found I need 20 posts
PPS: All I am trying to do is help another member who is looking for an item I want to sell, I hope that is OK?
Dell Studio 17 and second internal hard drive (Ireland )
Discussion in 'Dell' started by sonet, Feb 20, 2009.