Hi Everyone.
I am planning on buying the new Studion 1557 with the i7 CPU.
I would like to verify that with a Windows 7 Pro x64 as host, I can use VMware's VMware Workstation and Sun's VirtualBox for virtualization of both x64 and x86 guest operating systems.
If any one on this forum tried this, or know the answer, I would appreciate it very much !!!
I am using studio 1557 for running VMware virtual machine. Works fine for me.
VT-enabled by default.
But of course i am still sad about dell's pixels policy. http://forum.notebookreview.com/images/smilies/mad.gif -
Could you confirm that you are able to specifically run X64 guests on an X64 host?
EyWeB -
yes, i am running x64 and x32 guests on vmware and virtualbox on a x64 host.
Dell Studio 1557 for Virtualization
Discussion in 'Dell' started by eyweb, Nov 24, 2009.