Hello Notebook Review people. My little cousin destroyed my laptop the other day. Need a new screen and I've never done this before. Would really appreciate some help.
My laptop specs:
Dell Studio 1555
4 Gig RAM
2.4 Ghz Duo Core
512MB HD Mobility Radeon
The original screen was 1366 x 768 res, 15.6 inches, widescreen.
I've seen a youtube video online on how to replace the screen and it seems straight forward enough, but what screen should I get that will be guaranteed to work? If you could point me to a good replacement I'd be very grateful. I live in the UK.
I'm also interested in upgrading the screen to 1080p but I don't know if this will result in system conflicts or hardware problems. Really hope you guys can help me out. Thanks a whole bunch.
Well I ended up buying the exact same screen just to save hassle. You can close this thread. Thanks anyway!
Dell Studio 1555 laptop screen smashed... need help
Discussion in 'Dell' started by zxcqweasd111, Jan 9, 2012.