My Laptop Display one-third portion on right hand-side is not displaying. Initially there were colorful vertical lines; then gradually changing, it now shows blank white vertical bar (about 3 inches wide) so that I can't see what is on that right-hand side vertical area; what's the problem?
Most likely it is the LCD display panel.
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
First problem: Studio 1535. In general the hinges on the entire Studio line are fairly poorly designed and prone to gradual loosening and breaking.
So while I agree that the problem is most likely with the internal display, it could just be a damaged display cable, if you are lucky.
If you can output fine to an external display then you know, almost for sure, it's not the graphics chip.
Dell Studio 1535 Display Problem
Discussion in 'Dell' started by zeesoft2005, Jan 18, 2012.