I have a Dell 6000d laptop with the 15.4 inch TFT WXGA (1200 x 800). My father recently purchased a Dell 700m with a 12.1 inch TFT (WXGA 1200 x 800) display. I was expecting the same display quality but was shocked to see the 700m's display far clearer than my 6000's! I know the 700m has a smaller screen, but the picture is more sharp and has a glossy glass look to it. Something my 6000d lacks. From the website, the screens have the same specs. Why are the 700m displays better than the 6000's? Or was this some kind of upgrade Dell has done recently to all of their laptops. This may have been a stupid question but I would appreciate if someone can explain. Thanks!
It's a glossy screen, yours was a matte. So, yea, the i6000 has a matte screen. The bright side? You can point your screen to the bright side!
Now, if you want to get the High Gloss Screen done your laptop, its obvisually not an option through Dell for that particular model am I right? So what you can do, but you'll have to be without your laptop for a week or so, is to go to http://www.screentekinc.com/pixelbright-lcds.shtml
It's about 100 dollars to get it done.
Only disavantage of this screen is that, it can annoy some people as it can have glares because of the anti-reflective properties it contains. -
Most glossy screens are so reflective that when you point it to the bright side, all you get is mirror. That's why a lot of people abhor da glossy.
I tend to like the glossy screens, they make the colors more vibrant and things clearer, but really if your going to be inside a lot with the laptop, you shouldnt have that much of a problem with the high gloss screen. I just think its like any other electronic that reflects light, I guess Im just used to it.
Anybody here had that high glossy add-on done ? If so, how was the outcome?
I am planning on (when I get the money) sending in my Dell B1300 to have the high gloss done to it. It should increase its resale value down the road when I sell it, as TruLife isnt even an option on B1300.
Thing I like about basic computers is that you can "soup" em up like a car! -
the 700m is crisper because the screen is physically smaller. 1280x800 on 15.4 is not going to be as crisp as 1280x800 on a 12' screen. the pixels are smaller and therefore the picture is crisper. the glossy is not as important to the crispness of the picture as the physical screen size.
Yup, drumfu basically summed it up. The 700m is known to have the most crisp lcd in the line of Inspirons.
Interesting about physical size of a screen can determine the screens display looks, I've never thought of it that way before.
Dell Screens (6000 vs 700m)
Discussion in 'Dell' started by MN_209, Dec 10, 2005.