Are you happy with your Dell laptop?
Yup. My E1705 has worked great!
My Opinion: Yes... but I have regrets (explain)
Yes, dell support has be very bad to me. they made my laptop worse (inspiron 630m). My laptop was in good condition, just a small prob. MADE IT WORSE. -
Robert in Sadorus Notebook Evangelist
Yes....But have regrets.
My 1505 is great but i think if i looked around harder i could of found something less expensive. Support has been great, no complaints there. -
Yes, D420, 3lbs w/ 6cell battery runs for 3:30hrs
w/ 9cell, 6:30 hrs.....
Core Duo ULV for longer battery and productivity.
and GMA950 saves a lot of power=)
Only drawback, the battery is wearing a lot faster than I expected... -
I'm satisfied with mine...
Got my inspiron 6400, it's great!
I guess you get what you pay for, so I am not that upset...but...
Dell support is so is like a tragic comedy. Also, I wish Dell would put rubber around the edges of their dvd drives to mute the rattling...
but the hardware I got for the price with the 25% off was pretty good. -
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
Dells done me right thus far, I've had a few issues, but in the end, my problems have alwatys been resolved to and above my satisfaction.
I am very happy with my X1 from Dell outlet. No regrets at all!
My comp started making weird noises. Will see what happens next.
Well to the Dell rep.
The price points and warranty options are top notch. The people, process', and support are horrid. I could go on with details but bought a Dell because the price was right.
The legendary Dell support is just that a legend. I have bought 3 systems for personal use in the past 4 months and 150 through work in the past year. -
yup, with regrets.
the hardware is great -- T7400 + nvidia 7900 + 2 gigs of ram is nothing to sneeze at, and at the price point = sweet.
that said, i've had to return my notebook because of the terrible samsung screen, my first dvd-drive was hella loud, and i was also a victim of "bait n' switch" (free printer which i was later charged for -- there was SO MUCH BS with that i thought i was dealing with a farm instead of a corporation. took a while, but i got it sorted.).
sales reps are helpful when they want to sell you something ... but waiting 45 minutes to get after-sales support is ridiculous. plus, if you end up in India, it's a total grab-bag the kind of expertise you'll get. the crew there TRY to be helpful, but they are not trained to quickly diagnose hardware issues, and will take you through the registry, tweaking settings, etc. instead of just admitting "wow, your dvd-drive sucks, it shouldn't take 45 minutes to install a program".
what's totally wacked is that when i got a canadian rep twice, both times he listened to my symptoms, and then arranged to swap my hardware. done! -
my inspiron 8600 still good and never had any issues
It's cheap plastic that flexes and creeks all over the place. I seriously hope I never have to deal with Dell over the phone again and will never buy another Dell specifically because of that reason.
Besides that, it is a computer and it serves it's purpose as such. If you're looking for build quality, get an Asus! -
I am completely satisfied...Not sure it's a regret...but I should have put 2 GB of Ram in the machine at purchase
Dell support is so bad I would never consider another Dell. Seems like their standard response is "Let me transfer you to department x" (i.e. let me make you somebody else's problem) if your question is anything other than one of their top 20 FAQ's. The only exception is XPS support in the UK who seem to know what they are talking about at least. Oh and my notebook has died 3 times in a year so I have had plenty of experience of them.
yes overall but battery life could be better, they're tech support need much improvement, and if I had trusted the lesser known brands at the time, I probably could have gotten a better laptop for the price I paid.
Completely satisfied. had a problem with battery wear, but dell replaced the battery and i had a new one the next morning. 1 regret but it was my own fault for getting 1GB (2x512mb) instead of 1GB (1x1024mb) or 2GB of RAM.
Yes, completely satisfied. I got a Dell inspiron 6400 almost 2 months ago, and dont have any problem with it so far. I have no idea about Dell services, but hopefully I wont have to call them.
core 2 duo 7200, 2gb ram @667, ati x1400 256mb, 100gb 7200 hdd, $1,300 seem like a perfect set...I am willing to pay extra $$$ for a better graphic card, but ATI x1400 is a decent card for my gaming demand (counter strike 24/7 only)
No issues - except maybe removing the bloatware. My biggest satsifaction was the great price I was able to get back before xmas - I have not seen anything even close to the price I paid since then - or for from any other company.
A good deal and good notebook so far. -
OK, changed my mind somewhat, I just got off the phone with tech support and I got all I wanted in less that 30 minutes. So I'm fairly satistfied with tech support for now but it only takes one tech rep who can't speak english to change my mind.
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
Online chat -
Yes... but I have regrets (explain)
When I purchase this notebook, I dont really care about compoents, but now, I wish I have an internal bluetooth for my notebook, complete wireless notebook.
JC -
I am completely satisfied with the purchase I made. Inspiron 6400: C2D
T7400, 120GB HDD, 1024MB RAM, X1400 GPU, 15.4" WUXGA screen, 6cell battey, windows MCE @ $1101 after taxes. It ran all the games I had better then I expected and it is exactly what I needed. -
No issues/problems in 8 months and the laptop basically runs 24/7.
Are you satisfied with Dell notebooks (support, products, reliability)?
i like on my second dell computer
good computer for the price...and u can get a good deal/discount if u search -
PuppetMaster2501 Notebook Consultant
Well, I got my Lappy for really cheap. Can't say that I love the design, but it is overall pretty decent. Have not had any problem so far.
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
Whats up with all the general satisfaction polls?
Sorry, just doing my research.
I was going to ask the same question to see what percentage of people have issues with Dell. -
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
We just have so many of them floating around, all basically asking the same question.
I realize no company has a perfect track record. However it's irresponsible to buy and then worry about problems. When I am thinking about spending that kind of money, I read as many reviews and opinions on the product/company so that I make the best decision possible.
If a company is getting more complaints/issues than other companies, then that says something. That's why so many posters want to know what the overall satisfaction level is with each company. If there are multiple posts on the matter, then maybe it should be stickied to the top. -
Iceman0124 More news from nowhere
You do have to factor in that good percentage of posters on these forums are here only because they are having problems.
I recently bought a Latitude D820 after spending a few weeks reading this forum and various others trying to decide which notebook to buy and I am happy with the choice I made.
First off, I like the notebook. It does what I wanted it to do and it does it well.
Second, I've already had to deal with Dell support and found them great. There was some problem with a couple of the keys on my keyboard that intermittently wouldn't work. I called Dell and a very patient man talked me through reseating the keyboard. However, ater a couple of days the problem recurred so I got back in touch with the support guy who'd helped me out and the following day a new keyboard arrived. Haven't had any problems since.
I know it might seem strange that I'm quite happy even though there was a problem with the laptop, but the way I look at, these things happen, there are always going to be problems for some people somewhere along the line, and it's the way they are dealt with that makes the difference. I thought my problem was dealt with well, the support guy was great and the problem was solved really quickly and with no hassle at all. I went for Dell because I was able to get a computer with the specs I wanted without having to pay extra for stuff that I don't need/want, and I'm really glad that I did. -
No offence but you need to understand that computers are not something that will not suddenly break down.... You may have done all the homework on a company's products but it still doesn't give you any guarantees that the product you buy will not break down in ,for example, 3 months after purchase (touch wood that such a thing will not happen).
Nowadays, in my opinion, all the PC manufacturers are all about the same in terms of quality & such. Most are also using similar components as well so...... that is why I say buy now, then worry about stuff later.... -
I want to say two things service and hardware. They infortunately do go hand in hand. I have myself have had 6 Laptops from Dell and helped people choose dozens more. I have been VERY happy until my next to last purchase. That computer had many problems and the service was extremely poor. That being said on my newest M1210 the computer seems excellent. But trying to get support needs lots of work. Not being able to get on chat does not make it very fast or very helpful. Trying to get someone on the phone for hours and hours that is not a good thing either. Also if the person on the other end can not understand the language very well and gets things mixed up that is a minus. These are things I hope to see Dell improve upon since Mr. Dell took back decision making. I suggest choosing the computer you like and can afford. Choose a good service plan and pay for it. If you have problems hope you get an American if you are American German if you are a German French if you are French so on and so forth. They have always had good repair and replacement that is unchanged. I still like their hardware that is unchanged. But service needs a huge improvement. I have bought from Dell for a very long time and could until last year recommend them without hesitation. If you know computers you will probably be ok in any purchase but if you need any help you better hope you get your help from a native speaker of your language. That goes for all companies HP the last time I bought from them was in the same boat I quit buying from them. Check all aspects of a purchase before making one and do not let anyone tell you that is not a good idea.
Totally happy with my new dell laptop.
First let me say I love my laptop E1705!! However I do have regrets that I have had to deal with dell support. I had called dell to help me build a laptop for the main uses of on-line gaming, and watching TV. There was a problem with Guild Wars and the security setup on my system (Vista). It took 2 calls, and a total of 6hrs to get the setting correct. (since then I've been happily killing trolls most evenings!). Then the real nightmare ensued. The TV tuner they sold me was incompatible with Vista. Well that took 2 calls of at least 1hr each to get them to understand the problem. Finally one of the support people said they would send out a compatible tuner. Five days later it arrived.....unfortunately it isn't compatible with Vista either. This time it took three phone calls to get someone to understand I didn't want more tuners, just one that works. The calls still average one hour each, they kept saying " I hope you don't mind a few minutes of silence while I enter this into the computer". This was usually followed by 5-10minutes of typing sounds, exhaling, and once I swear he burped. I got tired of this so once I replied to him "No, I don't mind the silence, as long as you don't mind me singing opera into the phone." I proceeded to sing Un Bel Di in his ear....the silence didn't last long that time. By now I had researched all the TV tuners they had and gave the support person the dell part #, They said I'd get it in two days. Five days later I got my tuner, the problem is it was the same model as the first one. At this point I'm wondering if I'm in an episode of Twilight Zone. Another hour long call full of apologies, and they send me out my tuner, the support person even thanked me for looking in to compatibility for her. Two days later, another package from dell and , you guessed it, it isn't compatible with my system. This time I was quite brisk on the phone, told them this was inexcusable, that I was sending the tuners back and wanted a full refund. They agreed to send a label for the 2 tuners they have sent me (I did tell them I have four tuners not two, but the support person said "no you don't you only have two."
WTF?)She also said someone from corporate would call me the next day. Three days later I got a message on my answering machine from corporate stating they were sorry the PCI card didn't work in my system, but Vista is new and they are working out the bugs and some items may have difficulty. (of course I have a laptop, so I am using a USB tuner, not PCI card). Unbelievable treatment. Like I said I LOVE my E1705, but have no respect for Dell support.
lovin my new 6400
thanks to all the people who helped me out with various notebook decisions and issues! this forum is great -
im pretty happy with my inspiron 8600. I just wish that i had gotten a latitude instead though, since its build quality is better. Oh time i guess.
110chasr osdnf
I'm neutral to this .. cause I" have had enough problems with memory parity error BSOD. If not because of that.. I'm happy with the Customer service and good tech support. Btw, the refund of my system is pretty good trade for a new system with better specs like the Asus below
I like Dell computers, my regret is that I should have spent a little more for the Latitude D820 instead of the E1505
I voted: "Yes... but I have regrets"
I am 95% satisfied with my Latitude D620. My minor quibbles are lack of a scroll key for the track stick, and a lid that creaks when opening a closing (every latitude I have ever owned does this -- it doesn't seem to cause problems but I don't like it).
Build quality is good, keyboard is solid. That's pretty much all I ask for, and the Latitude has it!
Dell Satisfaction Poll
Discussion in 'Dell' started by conejeitor, Feb 2, 2007.