I couldn't find any info on this and seem to have figured this out. On the Dell I got (Studio 1735 / Windows Vista Home Premium), the volume dialogue (the volume slider that appears when you press the up/down volume media touch buttons) showed up in some strange place in the upper left corner. I wanted it in the lower right corner.
So, follow the following steps:
1. Find the Quickset Icon in the icon tray. Right-click it and "Exit".
2. Fire up regedit (Start > Run > regedit).
3. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Dell Computer Corporation\QuickSet.
4. Backing up is strongly recommended as when performing any operations with the registry. At least back up the part you are changing. To backup, just rightclick the Quickset node and do "Export" to a file.
5. Find VolumeDlgX and VolumeDlgY keys. These hold the x&y position of the volume dialogue. Change them to whatever you want (note that by default the values are in HEX, but you can change them to decimal when setting them). I used the position of BrightnessDlgX/BrightnessDlgY (the Brightness dialogue which did appear where I wanted it) as reference).
6. Reboot the computer.
Note that if you start Quickset without rebooting, it appears to overwrite the registry values with the ones that were there before the change.
Now, if I could only figure out how to prevent the Dell Quickset from appearing in the taskbar every time I change the volume... (doesn't happen for brightness, only volume). Any ideas?
Dumped quickset in favor of latest version of Microsoft IntelliType Pro v6.3...
Now the volume bar shows up in the lower right corner where it belongs and no annoying taskbar icon! -
Wow, does Microsoft IntelliType Pro v6.3 really work with the media touch-sensitive buttons on Dell Studio? I've seen it mentioned but always assumed that it was just for the keyboard.
You know, you can just drag the QuickSet Volume Window to where you want it. It will stay in that position in the future. Much easier than a Registry Hack.
Yeah I had to move mine too because it was in a useless position.
Ahahhaa! Thanks guys, you are absolutely right! It totally didn't occur to me to just move it!
And oh, that registry hack didn't last across a couple more reboots.
Now, do you get the Quickset thing appearing in the taskbar every time the volume dialogue is shown?
I really gotta try that IntelliType... -
I still don't get how it could work, Somms... I don't see any option for "Dell Studio 1735 Notebook Configuration" on microsoft.com/hardware/download/download.aspx?category=MK ... how could the custom dell media touch buttons work with this?
Yes, That's just how it is, but that also allows you to be able to move the Volume bar, as it's treated like a normal window.
I do like the volume bar in intellitype, (the computers at my college have it) but it's just one more thing to install.
I probably won't be able to use all the other stuff either -
One thing I realized, the intellitype software disables the FN+Function key (F1, F2, ETC>) key combos from QuickSet. As a result, I'll be uninstalling it today.
Nice Volume Bar though -
It would be great if we could get rid of this annoying taskbar button for volume bar. Its probably mistake done by dell programmers.
It's true that it can be dragged, but the final position still doesn't persist across reboots. And dragging it every time is really quite a bit of a paint. I'll make a note to try Intellitype.
Microsoft IntelliType v6.3 is a fine polished piece of software compared to that turd Dell calls quickset...
what microsoft product do you choose for intellitype for an inspiron 1420 ?
For my 1520 I chose Multimedia Keyboard
Dell Quickset: Change Volume Dialogue Position
Discussion in 'Dell' started by astgtciv, Nov 9, 2008.