I have been having trouble with the restore partition and Ctrl+F11 but
I tried to recover manually through norton ghost 2003 boot disk and IT WORKED!! I was able to recover but not through Ctrl+F11 which leaves me with one conclusion. If the Image is ok, and the MBR (used DSRFIX) is ok, and I restored successfully by doing it manually, then Symantec System Files in the restore partition must be corrupted. If anybody can do me a big favor by getting me the files which are in the following folders:
BAT, BIN, SRC1, SRC2, SRC3, SRC4, SRC5 including the following files: AUTOEXEC, COMMAND, CONFIG, DELLBIO, and DELLRMK. These files and folders are about 7MB. Please if u have experience on exposing the DellRestore partition please zip the files and upload them
thanx a million!!!
Dell PC Restore Files Needed (Not Image)
Discussion in 'Dell' started by mbushnaq00, Oct 18, 2006.