If anyone has a 20% or 30% Dell Mystery coupon that they can give me it would be much appreciated!
I am also in the hunt for one
I have currently been following Dell deals for the past few months as I plan on getting the new XPS15 top tier laptop to replace my old laptop. During this time I have been hoping to find a good sale event where I can save some coin as it is pretty expensive and as some of you might have seen from their emails they are doing another mystery coupon event.
Unfortunately I got the 10% discount (as most will), is there anyone not in the market for a dell product that got the coupon for either 20% or 30% that would be willing to part with it? I would appreciate it greatly (I know its a long shot, but figured worth an ask) -
I only got a 10%.
Hope that helps someone. -
bah someone grabbed it! thanks for trying though anyone happen to have one not being used?
PM me, I have several.
Dell Mystery Coupon
Discussion in 'Dell' started by BNHabs, Jan 30, 2014.