Hey guys,
I just got the Dell Latitude D600 w/ DVDROM. I also got Dell Inspiron 1150 w/ DVDRW. I am wondering can I switch the drives, so I can sell my 1150? I know I may have to do extra work w/ the module DVDROM. Is it possible? Does anyone switch drives from D series laptop to another laptop?
If both the lappy comes with modular optical drives, yes, then, they can be swapped.
If the Inspiron does not have the modular drive, you can still swap them. You just need to pull the DVDRW out of the Inspiron and get the DVD-ROM out of the modular bay bracket which encases it. Then you can simply put the DVDRW in place of the DVD-ROM and vice versa.
At least my D630`s modular bay DVDRW looks like it can swapped out the way described. -
Thanks siLc. Do you know how many screws needs to be taken out inorder to free the drive out of the module casing? I counted 5.
Dell Latitude D600, Module DVDROM to DVDRW?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by NetBrakr, Feb 26, 2008.