I've been using my Dell 9300 since q4 2005. Lately all of a sudden, my LCD shows up with blue tinges at random places. Thinking it was a temperature issue, turned the laptop off and restarted to check if it was any better. After a few mins it did change back to its normal color. Yesterday, after a 3-4 day vacation, came back and turned it on again. To my suprise, now the whole of the LCD screen has a blue tinge over it. All colours appear fine but white pages appear blueish. Could anyone assist me on this? Should be hardware related. Dont think LCD is gone bad (I hope not). Could it be my video flex cable? Or the inverter problem?
If you connect the laptop to an external monitor, do you see the same problem on that monitor?
If I connect the laptop to another external monitor, the problem does not arise. Its pure as crystal on my external monitor. So guess the problem with my graphic card is ruled out yes?
I'm thinking maybe the cable between the video card and the screen has something wrong with it. Maybe it has a kink in it or something.
Dell LCD problem
Discussion in 'Dell' started by brijeshrulz, Jun 12, 2008.