sounds like a man with a gripe and agenda against dell. If he knew about it for years, why not blow the whistle then? Very convenient to be a hero when you are now working for "Apple" of all companies. Im definetly not condoning dells actions, and its probably true they knew for years, as do most manufactures that are forced into recalls...its always a matter of $ vs. risk...unfortunately the $ usually wins untill people get hurt and or die.
total disgruntled employee.
if he knew about it and did nothing... well, that tells you what kind of person he is doesn't it?
he put himself in a no-win situation by coming out and making these claims
if he didn't know about it, he's lying
if he did know about it, his silence means he was complicit -
Im no expert but I dont think it was legal for him to download the archival images/data off dells machines, and make them public
I love how all of a sudden, it's a huge scandal with "Dell batteries" disregarding that little incident with apple, and that acer or asus? that blew up. And they also disregard that all these other manufacturers use the same battery by Sony, including Apple who is currently "investigating," and i beleive hp/compaq as well. i'm just tired of people picking on dell making sweeping "i don't know what comp i want, but i dont want dell."
Why is Dell in spotlight when batteries are being made by Sony?
Why was The Ford Exploder in the spotlight when Firestone/bridgestone made the exploder tires? same deal...both get a bad wrap, but the end product manufacture gets hit worst.
im still waiting for a sony laptop to blow up
Dell Knew of Battery Problems for Years?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by uncleG, Aug 17, 2006.