My Inspiron m5030 beeps 7 times on power-up and shows a blank screen.
I understand this means the motherboard or CPU is faulty and is a common problem with these laptops.
I was going to take the motherboard out and try to reflow the solder as per various Youtube videos but after I removed the CPU I noticed that some of the ICs looked a bit dodgy - maybe burned out? Or perhaps they are just dirty.
What do you think? Bad CPU or bad motherboard?
Never mind, it was just muck on the CPU. I think someone spilled their beer in the keyboard.
It was the motherboard. I baked it in the oven like a pizza and it fixed it - I was amazed.
Dell Inspiron m5030 7 beeps on power-up
Discussion in 'Dell' started by jrh_james, Feb 22, 2015.