Suddenly my Dell INSPIRON E1505 keyboard has been acting up. The top row or QWERTY keyboard is also pulling in the letter below it, and the second row of letters pull in the letter above them. I hit all three rows of QWERTY letters (space separated), so you can see the actual results:
qa ws ed rf t y uj ik ol p;
qa ws ed rf g h uj ik ol p;
z x c v b n m
Also, my page up, page down is not working. It always ends up on the bottom of the page.
Everything works fine with an external keyboard. I took the laptop keyboard out but could not see if anything physically stuck or not because the keyboard is very enclosed in a hard "shell".
Any help is appreeciated!
Did you try re-seating the keyboard cable ? (make sure you disconnect and reconnect, rather than just checking)
I tried, but the connection seemed very tight, so wasn't sure if the cable could be removed. Should I just force it out?
Thanks! -
Well I wouldnt force anything out - however they are designed to be replaced so you should be able to - best to check the manual to find out the exact procedure. As I dont own one of these myself I cant really guide you on the specifics here - however I have taken apart many dell laptops, normally the connector has a sleeve which you need to pull upwards before the cable will release.
Actually I just re-seated and it fixed it. Thanks!
No worries
yes, the seleeve kind of connection was there. Thanks again!!!
Dell Inspiron keyboard issues: w=ws, e=ed, q=qa... etc
Discussion in 'Dell' started by kbozan, Feb 2, 2008.