I'm looking for the proper drivers for my video card.
I tried a lot, but they just said that it wasnt the good driver for my video card.
I tried the drivers for nvidia.com laptopvideo2go, etc... no ones works...
So if someone could help meh!
geoffreydhaliwal Notebook Enthusiast
Hello there...i had the same problem few days ago..Nvidia doesnt provide any drivers for the Geforce Go Series..for vista.....u can download the drivers from the Dell website Or u can download from laptopvideo2go...BUT BE SURE TO REPLACE THE INF FILE WITH THE MODDED ONE...I AM SENDING U A LINK..SCROLL ON TO NVIDIA SECTION ...THEN LAPTOPVIDEO2GO SECTION...FOR TUTORIAL FOR DOWNLOADING FROM LAPTOPVIDEO2GO!!!!
Dell Inspiron 9300 - GeForce Go 6800 Vista Drivers
Discussion in 'Dell' started by tompouce, May 25, 2007.