I bought this laptop in Feb 2014, It came with following touch display:
LG Philips [Unknown Model: LGD040E] 156WF4 [DELL P/N: 890N5]
It had 1. Backlight bleeding, 2. Ghosting and 3. gradient banding (minor).
Few days back, dell changed the display.
Newer one is the same model, i.e, LGD040E.
It also has 1. Gradient banding and 2. Backlight bleeding (more than previous display) and 3. Ghosting.
Here are some images of backlight bleeding: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?res...00&authkey=!ALvrJvbBSZAhMF0&ithint=folder,jpg
To all the owner of 7537: Do you face any of these display issues?
Also after replacing the display, the (dual band 7260N) wifi reception seems more fluctuating. Is it the aluminium cover? If it is, then how Mac books are performing well.
Should i replace the wifi card?
my older Dell studio has very good wifi, and also no display issues, though it was 1366x768.
But it's irritating that a INR 81000 laptop has these issues.
Help please!!
Dell Inspiron 7537 - Display, wifi Issue
Discussion in 'Dell' started by T.Das777, Oct 14, 2014.