hey people,
my cousins inspiron recently stopped working.
doesn't load the bios. the alternate boot gives the following code:
Flashing Num Lock, ON Caps Lock, OFF SCRN Lock
what does this mean? i thought maybe it was the bios battery and told him to change it but apparently that did not work.
any help would be much appreciated.
I couldn't find that either...
Chat with Dell tech support to see if they can tell you what that POST code means. -
In the future i will not buy a dell laptop... That code should be posted on the site and isn't....
It's annoying, because without knowing what that code is, my hands are tied, it could be something very simple, and something very serious. Something i could probably fix myself... which i imagine is the case, if i only knew what that code meant. -
Maybe you could try resetting the BIOS? Pull both batteries, disconnect the power cord and hold down the power button for about 15 seconds, then try booting from AC power only without the BIOS battery in.
Tried taking the cmos battery out, tried changing the rams, tried leaving them out completely... that was strange because i didn't get any beeps (not to say that means anything of course).
The fact that it worked after an hour of dinking around and then stopped working leads me to believe that the issue isn't something very serious and easily fixed, but without knowing the code to the alt. boot, it could be anything.
my cousin was getting allot of blue screens prior to this, so i assumed his HD was failing. The HD isn't in the laptop at the moment, and still no joy...
Any other suggestions (other then the ones i've tried already) ?
Dell Inspiron 6000 no bios, unlisted POST code
Discussion in 'Dell' started by misterpister, Jul 2, 2009.