Hi guys, i have just ordered an inspiron 15r or N5010 with these specs:
Intel Core i7-740QM
ATI HD 5650 1GB
4GB ddr3 Ram
750GB HD
I spoke with the outlet where I have ordered the laptop and they do not know whether it will have a 6 or 9 cell battery but usually they come with a 6 cell, so thats my guess.
I would like to know whether someone has a notebook (Not just a DELL), with similar specifications so that I know the average battery life i would probably be seeing with these specs.
What do you guys think?
More then likely it should come with a 9 cell.
With a 6 cell you wont get much life. Maybe around 2-3 hours?
It all depends on what you are doing too. -
I would be happy if it does 3 hours with this configuration and specs...
anyone else has any input on this?
ps. thanks for the comment billabong -
in my view, you should opt for at least a dell studio laptop if you want to go for the i7-740qm processor. with the inspiron series, you won't be able to fully utilize the power of an i7 processor and you will face the problems of overheating and probably throttling. for an i7-740qm processor, you should always buy a 9-cell battery otherwise the life will be at a maximum of only about 1.5 hrs with normal usage.
again i am saying that buy an i7 series processor only if you really need it otherwise it will be a waste of money. -
Hi daredevil, thanks for the post.
Why are you saying I should buy the studio model instead of inspiron? How come I cannot make full use of the i7 in an inspiron ... it depends on the apps and programs you are running on it no? What does the studio have more than the inspiron? where I live, the studio models have much lower specs unfortunately
Also, what is "throttling"?
Eric -
I always here this term. -
With the i7 740QM and the ATI 5650, you get between 2.5 and 3 hours at the most.
That kind of spec was unheard of for a consumer-grade laptop just a year ago. What do you plan to do with so much capacity packed in an Inspiron 15R? -
At least, the Inspiron R has a numeric keypad whereas the Studio does not. The latter was originally conceived for the "designer" market, to compete with Apple MacBooks. I purchased the Studio with i7 QM because I specifically want to use Adobe CS5 Photoshop and the other applications that take full advantage of quad-core hyperthreading and 64-bit processing. In fact, most systems today are overspec'ed - albeit faster - because the popular applications are still behind the curve, Internet Explorer 9 Beta being an exception. -
I use the pc for various things - university, some gaming, and I enjoy using photoshop and photo editing.
No one answered the thing about "throttling" and it seems even billabong would like to know
Kaso I hear what you mean with the Inspiron, Studio, etc but as I said the studios available here have lower specs. Sure the Inspiron looks nicer, but in reality I like the studio design too - so its not a matter of just looks for me. I also like the dedicated numeric pad in the inspiron as it is handy for university research inputting. You have a i7 QM you said? How long is the battery life of your laptop? -
1. If you use the laptop for university work, "some" "gaming", and occasional Photoshop editing, I would say the Inspiron and Inspiron R models are suitable. But I also want to be straight about two things: (a) the Inspiron 15R is not light enough to carry around campus comfortably; (b) your spec is way too high. Most people pay high price for top-of-the-line computers, thinking that it will be an investment for future needs: a more reasonable approach is to only buy what you really need now, then shop again in 2-3 years; this is how things are.
2. When I said "quality", I did not mean just "looking nice". Quality overall, in the design, the construction, the weight, the components they use. Consider the LCD: there are different suppliers and product grades they can choose from to stick a 15" screen to your laptop. And so on...
3. CPU throttling. In simplest terms, the Intel Core i7 processor is capable of increasing ("throttle up") and decreasing ("throttle down") the clock speed depending on the workload in order to do its best when required and to reduce power consumption and heat generation in less demanding situations. Do you need this capacity? I doubt it. Not for Word and Excel and the likes.
4. I have a Studio 15 (1558) with i7 740QM CPU and ATI 5650 GPU. I get about 2.5 hours consistently, close to 3 hours occasionally. The 9-cell battery pack can do better, but then it adds to the laptop weight, which makes mobility a real pain. -
Hi savaga! I just ordered one with the same specs today. just out of curiosity... do you have any idea why it is not on the dell website? thx
Hey Jordan, I guess you are Maltese too (because of the surname ). I imagine you have ordered it from scan as well as there are no others here in Malta unfortunately.
Its not on the dell website true, I have only found Dell studio with a similar configuration, but not an inspiron. Basically I have not yet found one with similar or better specs. I just hope they will be delivered here on the promised date. -
Yes I am xD it's supposed to be here on the 20th. I ordered it specifically for uni it should be fine for assignments and some light gaming I just hope that it will be with i7 not i5 xD
We both got it from Malta from a store called SCAN Computers. I sent them an email this morning they told me it will be available soon from DELL
Jordan, I hope that they are not just a Pre Order and that they will call us again to inform us that they will be delivered at a later date. I hope Dell will send them soon. If it is possible, can you forward me the email they have sent to you? my email: [email protected]
Cheers -
Savaga, when I called SCAN last Saturday they told me it would be available on the 20th October. When I sent them the email yesterday, I asked why there is not a laptop on the DELL website with the same specs and they told me "it's a fairly new laptop"
I have sent an email as well and they said that they were still bound to arrive around the 20th of October. Maybe I will call sometime soon as that was a week ago
aaa coool xD I wish that it arrives a bit earlier xD this last week was agony and now I have to wait another for the 20th
yep, same here ... and I need to start working on my dissertation (I am in my 4th year at uni) .. and I really need the laptop right now! *fingerscrossed*
PS. Just found out an online store which sells one with the same specs (just a smaller Hard Disk - 640GB) ... but thats a relief! LINK = Dell Inspiron 15R i7 15" Notebook (Aluminium) | Computers & Laptops, Laptops : JB HI-FI
aaaa yesss bdw wanted to tell you I looked at the setup guide on DELL's website it is mentioned there with the same specs
Did you call scan Savaga? Some models have arrived but not ours I hope it won't be long xD
I know .. today I checked the website and the other 3 models are now "IN STOCK" ... but not ours ... I will probably call tomorrow morning. I will keep you updated.
Jordan ... I just called Scan. Bad News ... she told me they are to arrive on the 27th and NOT on the 20th! I told her I was 100% sure they told us that the due date was the 20th - she told me "jista jkun" ...
Oh noooo!!! :O :O is it really trueee? the others have arrived earlier I hate itttt when I have to wait for something that I really want
I KNOW! I know exactly how you feel hehh ... she told me that they did not arrive with the others because the shipping had to be split, or something like that.
the only thing we can do is wait, and HOPE that they arrive a bit earlier. -
uffff I hope it arrivessss at the 20th I also phoned them and they said the same... my current computer can't handle MATLAB and Visual Studio lool
Hello peeps yesterday i sent an email to Scan Computers asking whether i could order it and its arrival date and they told me its going to be in Malta @ the 27th October :/ bdw sry to be late but i like you savaga & jordanleegauci have been monitoring this laptop for weeks Hope it arrives before!
Malti iehor! did you order it surmast? I am literally counting the daysssssss till the 27th
Nop i'm going to go tomorow as i really want it and im afraid they will run out of stock :/ hahaa lool qisa giet thread ghal maltin din hux xP
hekk qisa uni ukoll int man?
yep first year u lewwel kont ed nistenna lismart card tiftah u issa ed nistenna li jasal lol
hahaha tajba din! gie is.surmast issa ukoll. Jien ili li ordnajtu minn 9th September lol! Jien lewwel ordnajt dak tal i5 (li issa wasal ) ... imma tal i7 tefawlu l HD 5650 minflok il 5470 .. cempilt u bdilt l order.
Jien kont xtrajt toshiba first year ... u hlief trouble ma tanix (amilt lewwel xar u nofs gima wara li xtrajtu minajr laptop ax diga kellu it trouble) .. u issa miet ax il motherboard telqet.
Issa 4th Year id Dell gej ... specs bomba ghandu ... suppost jkun worth the wait! J'alla kollox jimxi b'wicc il gid hehe. Jien ghalijja niltaqaw Uni u namlu LAN malli jasal haha. -
jn toshiba andi bhalissa imma ma ngergirx minnu tipo ok qatt ma tani xi trouble esacc u issa ilu 4 snin... li andu li bdiltlu il keyboard u mand min bdiltilu hadli Lm55! al bicca keyboard imbad reget marritli u spiccajt bdilta jn! issa naraw dan id dell xse jsir minnu haha!
ilallu lm55 ghal keyboard! Jien minn ghand tabone xtrajtu u hlift li ma nergax nidhol hemm ... jien anke fuq il gazzetta kont ktibt fuqu ax dak anke il post dated cheque kien biddili id data minajr ma saqsieni! imma insomma ... jien idecidejt ghad Dell ax ma tantx smajt tgergir fuqom.
Jien li qed nispera li imqar itini satejn battery ... ghal l ispecs li fih inkun kuntent b'satejn hehe. -
anke jn minand tabone kont xtrajtu u bhalek listess kliem ghidt li ma nergax nidhol andu :/ talanqas adni ngawdih ax kieku balla hela ta flus imma miskin serva naqa it toshiba ax il hin kollu kwazi nuzah
jien alijja toshiba, MSI, Acer ma tantx jogbuni... alijja l aqwa tlieta jibqaw ASUS, HP u DELL... issa naraw bdan id DELL kif ha mmorru. kemm nixtiq jasal naqra kmieni jahasra ax andi bzonnu xD
cempluli ta scan illum qaluli li telqu mand supplier andom ikunu awn next week
lol igri jaslu ax nodd il granet ijed!
lool xD x qied course man?
anke jien cempluli il bierah waqt ix xol. xhin rajt in number ghedt ... wasal qabel! lol imma xorta good news. qaltli li fil bidu ta next week ghandom icemplulna biex nippikjawh.
jien b.com hons marketing qieghed ...4th year. -
nice prosit xbin good luck at tezi mela
hehe thanks ... ghalekk ghandu bzonnu asap il laptop ax ghadni ma bdejtx nahdem fuqu kif suppost!
aaa ic :/ jin ukolll andi bzonnu al skuwl habba notes u ekk :/ issa naraw insomma
jn first yr qijed Bsc Business & computing .... alekk se nuzah jn notes u ekk imma mbad eqq ikolli xi loba mux sejjer ma nipruvajiex le
heqq ... hekk hu surmast l istess jien ... issa malli jasal ha nitfalu battlefield bad company 2
imma it-tezi l importanti ... yupp! -
haha andek ragun imma mbad wara gawdih naqra le msomma anke jn mux se noqod ninhela fuq lob biss kollox irid ikun mux ekk
andek Fundamentals of IS surmast? jien andi optional credit dak u minalijja tamluh intom xD
ija taa imma tal bsc ict qaluli li jkollom iktar lessons minna ahna double kull gima tijej eda it tlieta fit tmienja
Dell Inspiron 15R with i7 and HD 5650
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Savaga, Sep 24, 2010.