I've been having trouble getting my laptop to charge. First, it would be plugged in and not register that it was plugged in. This was a sporadic problem that just kept getting worse until today when it just would not work. So, I went to Best Buy and bought a new universal charger. It is now plugged in and the comp realizes that it is plugged in but it won't charge!
Can anyone help??
I have had the same problem on my 1525 for a good 2 months now, I did a ton of research and in my case the connection on the motherboard needs to be soldered. I've tried toubleshooting my adapter and battery on friends 1525's everything seems to work.
If your under warranty send it in for service ur mobo probably needs replacement. If not, I have settled on this (check ebay)
b/c I just need a way to charge the battery cuz its mostly plugged in either way.
p.s this is a crappy laptop, and dell should get sued for this issue, most of my friends have had the same problem on this model #
Dell Inspiron 1525--power problem!
Discussion in 'Dell' started by ellestici, Sep 7, 2009.