would like to load (2gb) memory;where is cheapest place to buy?Hard to believe,Dell,would put (1gb) of Ram for,Vista OS,which idles at (850mb),my daughter had no idea when she purchased.How much memory can be added;has (2-sticks) in now 5-5 plus laptop was $600 a year ago.Thank You
I would just go to crucial.com and use the scan feature to determine what you have in speed wise to see what would be best. once you find out what you need I would check newegg for the best memory. The best for Vista might be 2 sticks of 2 gb or atleast two 1gb sticks for 2gb.
I would second the option to get it from Newegg. They are usually the lowest unless someone else is having a sale.
Dell Inspiron 1501
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Dedham, Nov 8, 2008.