okay so i have an inspiron 1420, and want to bring it around school, i usually use it as a desktop at home using an external monitor(FN + F8), for some reason my laptop only works when plugged with a monitor, the laptop monitor is blank but you can see light at least, but no images whatsoever. I got it to work after reformatting the second time but not the 3rd 4th or 5th time.
I've noticed something strange though when formatting with xp, the letters were both gray and red, and when it gets to the page with the estimation(usually about 30 minutes) the picture quality was crap like 4bit.
I've noticed that when i successfully got the laptop monitor working the picture quality ran at a full 32bit
hopefully someone knows what im talking about
normally when you format the quality looks like this http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1434/725412576_9b1aa24f36.jpg but after i format everything runs in 4bit, after formatting i get something like this http://winhistory.de/more/386/Screenshot8mhz_system.gif
oh also when i name my computer EG. DAVID , it renames it as ADMINISTRATOR, so i think something goes wrong during the format
i tried installing the video card drivers but it just freezes and shuts off -_-
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
unfortunately i cant, but the images i posted is what im experiencing
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
haha you know what now its running in 32bit..... i think it maybe is dying like you said... i didnt even do anything. i just turned it on and bam! it went from 4bit to 32.
update: wow so i tried installling the drivers and it froze again......... now its back to 4 bit
also when it gets too hot it just shuts off -
so can i like replace the video card or.... do i have get a new laptop
Bump !!!!!!!
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
The 1420 GPU is soldered to the motherboard. If it is indeed dying, you will need to at least replace your motherboard. You could also try baking it, but that's kind of a crapshot.
I assume you've checked to make sure the settings are set to where the desktop is extended to both monitors.
yes ive formatted, everything is at default setting, no dual monitoring
any other ideas?
bump! pleaassse i know theres gotta be someone who was in the same boat as me and has already solved this
hey sorry to hear. i have the same problem im thinking. i posted the question too and got a reply.
i think it is correct but i havent had time to take apart the laptop or buy parts to try replacing things to see what works and what doesnt. -
thanks for the reply mate but my problem is that my video card no longer can display in 32 bit, it displays in like 6 bit or something like that, i know its lower than 16
ahh alright i only read the first paragraph of your first post and it sounds like it is the same problem as mine.
hope you get it sorted out! -
any other suggestions anyone
bump again
Dell Inspiron 1420 Only Works On External Monitor
Discussion in 'Dell' started by oogawooga, Nov 2, 2009.