Just wondering if anyone has a D820 with the WXGA 1280x800 native screen on theirs? What do you think of it and how is the brightness on it?
We are wondering because we have a few D620's here with the WSXGA+ 1440x900 native rez and we don't like it because everything is so small. If we lower the rez it gets fuzzy.
Hey DjTech,
I don't own a D820 with wxga but have seen one and in my opinion, it's just too low a resolution and the pixels are just too big. It's similar to a 14" 4:3 screen with 1024x768 on it.
Why not go for the D620 with just the wxga? I have also seen these and its pretty darn nice! Coming from the 4:3 world, the screen as a whole feels a bit "small" but its very readable otherwise.
How small is the D620 with wxga+? Could you relate/compare it to a 14" 4:3 running sxga+? I honestly feel a 14" 4:3 at this resolution (1400X1050), (I have a T60 14" currently) is too small. sxga+ on a 15" is nice however.
I ask because I'm interested in possibly getting either a D640 or a T60 flexview and returning my newly purchased T60 14".
Andrei -
You can change the size of icons and size of text.
Dell D820 WXGA Screen
Discussion in 'Dell' started by djtech, May 1, 2006.