Greetings - I just received my second D600 (for my daughter) from eBay - and it is great with one exception. The gentleman advertised it as SXGA+ but the BIOS only recognizes it as XGA. Also, the BIOS setting for video expansion, if I set it to Enabled - it returns to Disabled upon reboot. I updated the BIOS to the latest release A16 - and it did not resolve the problem. The display also looks slightly blurry at 1024x768 - which tells me it's not running at native. The highest setting available in XP, though, is 1024x768. So - and this is strictly speculation - it looks like it has an SXGA+ display in it but the BIOS does not recognize it. Any comments or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried reseating the video cable inside the D600? Also, you might want to try pulling the BIOS battery for about 15 minutes, reattach it, then see what the BIOS says.
WackyT -Thanks for your reply. I just received another LCD, advertised as an SXGA+ from a very reputable seller, and my 1.4 D600 still only recognizes it as an XGA. I also tried disconnecting the BIOS battery after I upgraded it to BIOS A16. This is really strange - I can't believe two sellers in a row would be disreputable. I'm beginning to wonder if some D600's have problems with SXGA+ LCD's. Any help will be appreciated.
Dell D600 BIOS/video Problem
Discussion in 'Dell' started by JellyGeo, May 4, 2007.