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    Dell Customer Service Technical Support Tips Please

    Discussion in 'Dell' started by chrisyano, May 18, 2006.

  1. chrisyano

    chrisyano Hall Monitor NBR Reviewer

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    Anyone out there having a hard time talking or chatting with a Dell representative who UNDERSTANDS what your problem is? I am tired of talking/chatting with people who have no idea what I'm trying to say to them (my particular situation requires more than the stock answers they must have sitting in front of them that they keep spitting back at me). They are very good at passing you off to another department though.

    Any tips on how to wade through the phone rep fodder to talk to a knowledgable customer service rep. who actually has the authority to give the answers I need?

    My particular situation is this: got an e1705 on 5/3/06. It has been giving me BSOD regularly (about 14 so far) and I haven't been able to locate a fix. Now there are many suggested fixes out there beyond the many I've already tried, but my 21 days to return the system are almost up. I can't get someone to understand that I'm willing to try more suggested fixes if only they'll give me more flexibility on the return period--should the problem be unresolvable. But somehow that got translated into a return being processed. Anything out of the realm of their stock conversations seems to confuse the reps I've dealt with so far.

    Meanwhile Sager is starting to look really good...
  2. rickt

    rickt Notebook Consultant

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    Just tell them flat out you need to talk to somebody else. They're pretty understanding as they're based out of India and I agree, they're hard to deal with sometimes. It feels like you're talking to somebody who has no clue what the hell he is talking about.
  3. titaniummd

    titaniummd Notebook Deity

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    Dell's 21 day counter starts from when it shipped from Dell not from when you took custody of it. If it shipped from Dell on 10May you have until 21May.
  4. esoterica

    esoterica Notebook Consultant

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    You don't need Dell support if your goal is to simply just fix the problem, welcome to the internet, you have a wealth of information available at your fingertips if you learn how to use it and no error is a new error.

    If your giving the Dell reps the same nothing information about your actualy error and instead just venting your frustration then there's no wonder your not getting the issue fixed and instead only more frustrated.

    Look, as long as your getting that BSOD error you don't have a problem that can't be fixed, it's a good thing because it tells you were the problem is initiating from. It's when you just get random system crashes and no errors that things get a little tougher to solve. You just need to learn how to interpret what the error message is telling you then seek out the fix.

    I'm finding it very hard to believe your getting an actual BSOD error and no one at Dell support is able to help you with it since the error tells you exactly where the problem is and even a beginner tech at Dell should be able to troubleshoot a BSOD error with ease.

    Lets start with the problem here, the problem is you first and foremost, not your computer or Dell support. Your saying your getting a BSOD error and 14 of them so far. Ok, telling me you've gotten 14 BSOD errors trells me nothing. Telling me your 21 days to return your system tells me nothing. Telling me Dell support hasn't been able to help you tells me nothing.

    If I was to put together the usefull information you have told me, well then you'd get back the usefull information that as you know already has done nothing to fix your problem.

    I don't care about what you think of Dell support, how many days you have left to return your laptop, or how many times you've had the error, how do you think that information is going to help solve your problem?

    Since your not paying me to help you though I'd ask you to do some thinking on your own if your looking for free advice and help in solving this. My question to you is simple, what useful information do you think you could actually give if I was going to try and help you fix this? Here's a hint, nothing at all, that means, not a single one thing you've had to say here helps in any way towards solving your, or anyone elses problem.

    Start by just getting a clue.
  5. chrisyano

    chrisyano Hall Monitor NBR Reviewer

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    First I'd like to thank everyone for reading and giving me their opinions.

    esoterica, I don't understand what I've said that has offended you to the point of telling me that I need to start by getting a clue. I have been researching the error and possible fixes since the day I got the system, spending dozens of hours that would be better spent on other things. I agree it must be fixable, but I've already tried a number of them and am simply running out of time as far as being able to return a system that has not run properly right out of the box. I have recorded the exact error messages--which do happen at random--and relayed the information to Dell's support, who have been able to assure me that their fixes will work when they haven't. I am no computer expert nor do I claim to be. Perhaps you are much more capable of solving this sort of problem on your own.

    I think when you pay money for a brand new system the least you can get is one that runs smoothly and doesn't take dozens of hours to figure out how to get it to stop crashing.

    There are a number of solutions out there that people have suggested on forums, etc. and I have read through hundreds of posts to glean what I can. I have tried some, I have followed the instructions of Dell Tech Support a few times, and I have tried to talk to someone about amicably resolving my issue. But I really do need to get a clue if I get stuck with something that I can't fix when I shouldn't have to fix a brand new system to begin with.

    As far as not giving useful information about the error, I merely started this thread to see if I could get some useful tips as far as how to reach someone who better understands what I'm saying and asking.

    Here is a thread that I did start to attempt to solve the problem and help others with the same problem:

    There are a lot of people out there who have not been able to fix the problem and are now stuck with the problem and don't yet know how to fix it. I am merely trying to cover all bases.

    Thanks to all for your help.
  6. esoterica

    esoterica Notebook Consultant

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    No offense intended, but once again, you've made a long post and have yet to tell us exactly what he error is your having?

    Whats your point?

    Niether myself or any of the other many skilled people here can help you if you aren't giving the details of your error. In two posts now you've gone about about having a problem, yet you've offered absolutely ZERO details that anyone could possibly use to help you solve the problem. We have to know whats wrong before we can tell you how to fix it.

    Maybe I'm going out on a limb here but if your point isn't to get some help then what is it? Why bother posting? Do you honestly think any of us care that you can't relay the problem your having to the Dell tech any better than your relaying it to any of us here? Are you wanting us to beg you for the needed information to help you. There's a (excuse the expression, but it is a common expression widely used), a million stupid user errors going on out there with a million stupid users wanting them solved.

    Your new laptop has the same Operating System and software sent as mine does, why do you suppose I'm not having any problems at all, or a half a million other people in the world daily who get the same system also aren't having the same problems?

    Who freaking cares?

    The point should be your having a problem lets get it solved.

    Unfortuneatly in 2 seperate and long posts you've provided ABSOLUTEY zero information even the best person here could possibly use towards even knowing what the actual problem your having is.

    What are you asking here?

    Are you just sharing with all of us the fact that you hosed up your system and now no one seems to be able to fix it just for the sake of letting us know that?

    My bad, great of you to share that with us all. I've searched google a thousand times looking just for that information and never found it, you fortuneately were kind enough to just bring it here and dump it in our laps with no need to go further and look for it.

    Based on the information you have provided on this error, I'd have to say try first to reboot the computer with your left hand instead of your right hand and see if that solves the issue.
  7. Acolyte

    Acolyte Notebook Consultant

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    Someone is off their meds again
  8. chrisyano

    chrisyano Hall Monitor NBR Reviewer

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    I really appreciate your willingness to help with the issue. I was trying to keep the issues on seperate threads, as I believe this is proper forum etiquette. I am new to it all, so maybe I'm wrong about that.

    I did leave a link to my other thread in my last posts that details more about what I've experienced and tried.

    If you really want specific information about my problem I have no problem sharing it. I had no intention of leaving my problem in anyone else's lap to solve for me nor was I looking for anyone to feel sorry for me. I was just looking for some advice on how to wade through Dell's customer service to get someone who doesn't just give stock answers to questions.

    Some of the Error Messages I received since you asked:


    Stop: 0x00000044 (0x87C9F968, 0x00000D62, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)


    Stop: 0x00000044 (0x87F70008, 0x00000D62, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)


    Stop: 0x00000044 (0x87D47008, 0x00000D62, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

    Beginning Dump of physical memory
    physical memory dump complete

    Diagnostics run:
    Pre-boot system assessment Build 3022 seems to be all pass

    Extended diagnostics had a twitchy touchpad test--I couldn't control the cursor very well (it kept floating around uncontrollably)"

    While it was testing my DVD RW drive:
    I also got Error Code: 0F00:21D, Msg: Block 0: Illegal request-possible use of incorrect media"
    And then Error Code: 0F00:041D, Msg: Block 0: Illegal request..."
    Error Code 0F00:041D, Msg: Block 5001, 10002, 15003, 20004, 25005, 30006, 35007, 40008 (and then I quit that test)"

    I am in no way expecting anyone to do anything to help me. I can definitely solve my own problems. Maybe I am a stupid user dealing with a stupid user error. I guess it's my fault that I am using the dock I bought from Dell with a mouse, keyboard, and printer and installing a game with all patches. But the first BSOD came before I plugged anything into the system or installed anything, factory settings were there for the first crash within a couple hours of my opening the box. Once again, I AM NOT LOOKING FOR HANDOUTS, just giving you the information you asked for.

    Thanks again for your concern
  9. hydra

    hydra Breaks Laptops

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    Have you completed a fresh restore? Unless I had a clue as to bad memory or other hardware problem I would rule out a sloppy factory software image install. Your problem may be two applications that don't get along.

    A full system restore is not that hard but takes time. There are a couple of step-by-step guides on this forum. It is something that all pc owners should learn to do like checking the oil and not waiting for the light.

    Collect all your drivers and have the Windows re- install disk from Dell.

    Once a full restore is completed and all the bloat ware is wiped, you can then focus on a possible hardware problem if needed.

    Dealing with Dell tech support is hit or miss but remember, we shopped the cheap price and we get what we pay for.
  10. chrisyano

    chrisyano Hall Monitor NBR Reviewer

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    Thanks for the advice. I've received quite a few helpful suggestions to that effect. Unfortunately I foolishly took "Dell's recommended" Symantec system restore instead of the reinstall disk for the OS and drivers. I haven't had any problems with Dell's installs in the past but have seen how many do a clean install first thing with a new system from Dell so I've learned my lesson there. They offered to send me the CDs, but by the time that came up I was running out of time on my 21 day return period. And I've never been able to get a straight answer on whether or not they'd let me try it and still honor the return should the reinstall not work.

    Thanks again!
  11. roro

    roro Notebook Enthusiast

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    just get the disc and do a clean install..... if you still have problems then it's hardware and dell should fix it under warranty. if you want to return it, just return it. but if you want to fix it, then fix it. it's not like if you don't fix it before the return period you will be stuck with a broken computer..... that's what warranties are for
  12. etccu1987

    etccu1987 Notebook Geek

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    if it shipped may 10th, you would have until may 31st
  13. digirati

    digirati Newbie

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    Please Help! I have the exact same Dell E1705 and I'm getting the same BSOD error. Did you ever resolve this issue?? I'm in Dell India support hell trying to get any resolution.

    Also, in chrisyano's defense, THERE IS NO DETAILS TO PROVIDE! The **** error page provides close to nothing, and Microsoft's quick error page they send you to when your system reboots basically says "there seems to be a driver problem, but we cannot determine which driver". So, both of us have nothing to go on.

    Has anyone - especially chrisyano - figured out the fix to this issue?

    I would sincerely appreciate any assistance.