Hello all this is my first post but I read these forums alot now.
Well first let me lay down the situation to set up my question. I configured a Dell I9300 With alot of the fixens (I am a college student Majoring in Computer Science and I like to game as far as some background info) and got to the checkout cart and applied the $650 Off a $2200 9300 and was excited as hell because what a great deal (even without the UXGA and Geforce card ) So my final price was something around 1640 bucks. Well I find out the next day that because I set the wrong billing address on my card (it was set to my old address in college) the order was thought to be fraud and order was cancelled! . I at first thought no problem I will just configure another one with the right billing address and have it out in no time! Well to my suprise the coupon which I used no longer than 12 hours before doesn't work anymore, even more than that I use the $500 Dollars off and it works but when I try to check out BAM! no Im sorry that coupon is no longer valid (I am starting to think Dell just doesn't like me ) So the best deal I can get is 1850 for all the things I wanted on my previous laptop. I am a college student and the extra 200 bucks is like a slap in the face to me.
Now I really want a good looking laptop to last me for the rest of college ( I HOPE !) The 9300 is sooo sweet for me and everything it offers appeals to me.
My main question:
Do they often put out these $500+ Coupons and I should wait or am I prolly not going to see this type of deal for another month or two (My current Lappy is a D600 and it's falling apart on me) I would really like to buy a new laptop here in the next week or two is that realistic? Again thanks for any help you can give me
P.S. Here is a quick rundown of the options I wanted
CPU 2.13 Ghz
Ram 1 Gig (Wanted two but that is tooo much)
HD 100 Gig 5400
ATI TV Tuner W/Remote
Wireless card 2915 W/ Bluetooth
Screen WXGA (wanted UXGA but guess not now )
Drive 8X DVD Burner
Video 128 MB X300 (Wanted 6800 or more )
[edit] I posted before checking but we do have a 650 off coupon which is pretty good.
# 4SK8F3M86KLGLK $650 off purchase of Inspiron $1999+ (expires 1/26/2006 7:00:00 AM)
They issue the coupons about every week or two weeks depending on the expiration. The coupons have been released for the last year at least if not longer, so chances are that if you don't get the coupon this week, you can get one next week. They vary in amount taken off. $750 is the higest amount i've seen, but that's been awhile back.
SG -
Yeah I tried the 650 Off and it worked but I put the wrong billing address (Stupid ME) and so they cancelled the order (That was such a good deal!) and then it wouldn't work anymore for me. Tried the 500 and it said it worked but when I tried to checkout it wouldn't let me so I called dell and they said it doesn't work anymore! Grrrrrrr!! But thats good to hear they dot his about every week or so I can wait a little longer
Okay, i wasn't sure if you were talking about the current 650 or not. You might want to try again. I just tried it, and the 650 coupon worked. If you tried to use the 650 before Friday, probably the coupon code has changed. It changes whenever the new coupons are released.
SG -
I just tried it again AND BOOM 1642 BUCKS !!! Thank you sooo much I finally get my new laptop YEAHH!
Ok sorry about the over jubilation there but Thank you again what a deal for that laptop! -
LOL, congrats. I hope you enjoy your new system. Keep us updated on your system. I'm always interested in the opinions on the 9300.
SG -
Do the often offer the coupons for other lines of notebooks as well?
USAFdude02 NBR Reviewer & Deity NBR Reviewer
The Inspirons are usually offered with the coupons. The other lines usually have free upgrades and the sort.
It might have been some kind of promotional deal. I'm surprise that they offered that considering that the M170 was only released a few months ago, but it might have been related to regional sales. They might have gave coupon out to sell more M170's (sorry i've been taking business classes for the last 4 years, and this theory is drained into my head )
I have never seen a coupon for the XPS or latitude line that would be applicable in the states. I know Canada and the UK also don't get inspiron coupons.
Dell Coupons Frequency
Discussion in 'Dell' started by JrunkinDuncan, Jan 22, 2006.