Whenever I use the Bluetooth 350 in my Dell XPS M1210 with both a mouse and a headset (Motorolla 350 I believe) the mouse lags about a second behind whenever the headset sends or recieves sound.
is there a way around this at all? I am useing the most recent drivers + firmware from Dell's support site.
I don't think there's a way around this. You are using high quality audio or the two way headset? I have the same problem when using the two way/low quality headset but on one way stereo high quality everything works fine. And i am pretty sure it's not the bluetooth module because i don't have the build in module but rather use a USB dongle.
I had trouble with the Dell BT drivers when trying to use my bt mouse (kind of sluggish) and my bt printer (didn't work at all). I was talked through an uninstall of the bt stack from dell and an install of the windows xp bt stack. Have had smooth sailing ever since.
as yoopermjm said, there could be an issue with your stack. I have found the toshiba stack to work wonders. My e1505 did not care for the M$ drivers at all (constant drops, etc) It could be that you are simply running out of bandwidth with both your mouse and the headset in use at the same time.
What is the toshiba stack?
Will I lose the blue indicator light on the 1210? -
Where can I get the Toshiba Bluetooth drivers?
Dell Bluetooh 350 + mouse + headset
Discussion in 'Dell' started by gohanssjn, Oct 23, 2006.