Hi there
I am looking at one of the Dell advertisement flyers. It doesnt say when the expirey date is for the items but on the top of the page it says August 2006
Does this mean that the sale runs the whole month?
I know there are weekly sales but ive never seen a monthly sale flyer advertisement. I dont really keep up with the Dell information stuff so I would love to know if someone could inform me about dell does have monthly advertisements
Also, if anyone lives in Canada who has ordered a Dell, could you tell me how many days it took for the notebook to arrive at the door step after you ordered? I know Dell puts an expected due date of arrivel but I know thats more time than usual. I live in the Southern Ontario, Canada area
Thank you
I don't know about flyers.
They have sales online and additional discounts over the phone.
Also, if you order over the phone Dell's gurantee is 10 calendar days from the time of the order to your doorstep. -
How can the say 10 days when alot of the time they don't have certain parts in stock
Dell Advertisement in CANADA and order time
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Jun85, Aug 11, 2006.