Dell 9300: LCD panel blanks but works few seconds after Lid is shut and reopened.
It happened when I was working on the laptop. I figured maybe some windows / video card refresh issue.
So I closed lid and opened again and it turned on, but off again in few seconds.
To ensure this wasnt a windows issue I shutdown and restarted.
This is the case even when I am in the BIOS.
The LCD lights up perfectly, and then suddenly power its as if the backlight turns off?
Close lid again and re-open and it turns on for few seconds.
I am wondering if this is due to the LCD going dud or only backlight?
Or some other part of the LCD assembly stuff e.g. Inverter etc?
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
Does the laptop work on an external monitor? If so, then you indeed have a screen issue. If not, I'd bet money that Nvidia video card is kicking the bucket...
Ok. With so many laptops and so many life activities its been tough to touch this thing again.
PS: The laptop does work on an External Monitor. In fact, I noticed carefully after booting the machine after MONTHS that it shows the stuff on the LCD (very faintly) which I suspect is due to the CFL behind the LCD.
Thoughts: Any idea how difficult / how expensive this could become?
- Replace CFL - Self / Serviceman?
- Replace LCD - Self / Serviceman? -
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
Replace CCFL: inexpensive, but a pain in the butt. You can seriously mess up the rest of your screen if you don't know what you are doing.
Replace entire LCD panel: more expensive, but much easier
Could be the inverter too, which is both a cheap and easy fix.Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2015
Dell 9300: LCD panel blanks but works few seconds after Lid is shut and reopened
Discussion in 'Dell' started by crashnburn, Oct 24, 2011.