Does anyone know when Dell is going to replace the 710m? And how soon?
Its going to be replaced with the XPS 1210. It will be released by the end of next week. I have heard the 29th, 30th, and 31st.
Cool... I hate the fact that it'll be under XPS flagship! If you know what I mean I like inspiron better
next wednesday afternoon is announce date on that. it's available at now
I can't believe after looking at the M1210 review! So, the Sony SZ nvidia perform faster than the Nvidia on M1210? I compared the 3Dmark05 and looks like it's lots of gap to fill! Anyone could explain why? The M1210 use 256mb but why the specs said 64mb is dedicated and the rest is shared. Kinda confused with these NVDIA products. On my Sony it said dedicated! But I think the series number is the same i.e. NVIDIA 7400
Dell 710m replacement is on the way?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by xman, May 27, 2006.