"Hi, I seen you posting on notebook forums and have a question about your laptop. Your opinion is very appreciated. Does your laptop have the integrated graphics card (shared with ram) or could you get an alternative? What material is the shell made of? plastic/metal of some sort. How has it performed? Do you used it for any image programs, like photoshop? Thankyou very much. Jason."
1) Integrated
2) Plastic
3) Performed very well with multitasking. Only issue is burning to external DVD drive and trying to surf on Firefox. Firefox locks up. I can Decode a DVD or use DVD shrink while surfing but not when burning to external drive. I have even used DVD Decoder and DVD Shrink at the same time with no issues while surfing.
4) Photoshop with Firefox, Word and Power Point running concurrently. No slowdown or lock up.
For information about the Dell 6000 Check out this link:
Mozilla Firefox Browser
Targus TL Deluxe Notebook Case
Targus Gravity Notebook Backpack
Palmone Tungsten C/WIFI
That I6000 FAQ is not entirely accurate. It claims that the I6000 with Intel 915GM chipset does not support PCI-Express graphics cards. However, the Intel website clearly states that it does.
Also, look here: http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/gma900/index.htm
It says that Intel GMA900 integrated graphics have a PCI-E 16x port available for higher performance graphics cards.
Dell I6000
Dell 6000 Question from Jason.
Discussion in 'Dell' started by titaniummd, Apr 6, 2005.