I do not see a lot of post about the MSATA. Should I just replace the HDD with a SSD and install the OS on this? Or would the MSATA drive do something more?
Any idea why this score is so low. I've got the full monty version with 2 750GB 7200RPM drives and the mSATA SSD. It's the original Dell configuration of Windows. I've got no other programs running and I've run it twice. Power mode is high performance.
Any one else with the same machine (I'm looking at you KSMBrun it to see what score they get?
I got some questions for anyone who got the Windows 7 CD from Dell, and used it to install W7 on an aftermarket SSD (or just reinstalled W7 in general).
1. The Windows 7 that is preinstalled on the HDD, is it just W7 with some extra programs that Dell installed, or is it a custom UI (I know some manufacturers that install a whole multimedia UI)? And on the CD you got from Dell afterwards, is that "just" Windows 7, without any other programs or whatever?
2. I saw you need to put the SSD in the first bay, move the HDD to the second bay, because otherwise the laptop wouldn't recognize the SSD as the boot drive. Is this correct?
3. After I've installed Windows 7 on the SSD using the CD I got from Dell, can I complete remove EVERYTHING on the HDD I moved to the second bay? I want it completely empty so I can use every available space on there for storage. I will use my SSD for the OS and some games.
Thanks in advance! -
I guess the SSD is set up as a caching drive, a caching drive rarely boostes the WEI score. Only if windows is installed onto the SSD will the performance gain show up in WEI. So yeah just ignore the WEI score if it is set up as a cahcing drive, you will still get the perforamnce boost during startup and in programs you frequently use. A 5.9 score is normal for a 7200rpm HDD.
Got mine today, pretty happy with it, will post up a full review later on. In the meantime though, I've got a bit of a niggling issue. The hardware button for WavesMaxx Audio doesn't work the way I expected. On my girlfriend's XPS 17 it simply launches the audio control panel. On this, it switches through various preset modes for the speakers, which I never use. Any way to change this a-la XPS 17? Thanks.
Hopefully going to buy one of these shortly but as i havnt modded a laptop (nor a pc for ages) im hoping to go the route the mojority of you have.
1. That is replace the HD with a SSD and make the HD available for Storage
2. Clean install of Windows 7
Ive got concerns with getting all the driversd though, never had anything from Dell and from having a quick look round their website was struggling to find all required drivers for a clean install of Windows 7.
Also never having used a SSD ive often read that the firmware requires updating.. is this true and would you do this before installing.
If anyone has any step by step guides to doing all of the above it would realy be appreciated.
Thx in advance -
In complete darkness. With a maximum brightness of the screen. If you run the Test Monitor. And go to the second picture, where all black. And look at the screen for two minutes until your eyes become accustomed to the darkness. You may notice uneven backlighting. Tell me is it just me? Please check the it is very important to me. Thanks in advance.
WELL . my true life Samsung sec5044 have nearly zero light bleed.......very pleased
I think every monitor has light bleeding, unless you are willing to pay a lot of money. And I don't understand those tests. Whose going to look at a black screen for 2 minutes in complete darkness?
I think that my screen are rejected. Although in the past, I also watched the screen, similar non-uniformity of illumination of the black. Typically, the lcd screens are brighter side of the screen. And in my case, except the edges of the screen in the middle of the same spot.
My older CCFL lcd true life have a bit light bleed.
All CCFL screens has more or less light bleed. Ive seen some horrible CCFL screens you barely could watch night seenes with.
So led backlit is a steep in the right direction when it comes to even brightness/gamma. Very small amount of light leaks there.
God damn so great Medal of honor tier 1 looks on this pc with this hardware. Details are stunning. Very hard to play with full AA & HBAO though. -
KSMB Say I have to worry about the uneven black?
on LED.............absolutely NOT........i own 3 CCFL & 2 LED and all my LEDs are great...no bleed.
How many watts does the subwoofer output? I see that the Skullcandy speakers are only a weak 2W per speaker for a total of 4W in the tech specs. I hope that the Skullcandy subwoofer is not a weak 3W like the Inspirion 17R (n7110) laptop last year. If it can be at least 10W I would be ecstatic.
The XPS 17 JBL 2.1 speakers last year were 2 X 5W + 12W sub-woofer = 22W Total peak audio performance which is damn impressive. -
KSMB please help.In my notebook display CHI MEI CMO1720. Non-uniform black color is normal for this display?
Has anybody bought an aftermarket back lit keyboard, UK spec?
Secondly, with the 32mb SSD drive (I have spec'd the laptop with 1TB drive) can i buy it and fit it aftermarket? -
I got some questions for anyone who got the Windows 7 CD from Dell, and used it to install W7 on an aftermarket SSD (or just reinstalled W7 in general).
1. The Windows 7 that is preinstalled on the HDD, is it just W7 with some extra programs that Dell installed, or is it a custom UI (I know some manufacturers that install a whole multimedia UI)? And on the CD you got from Dell afterwards, is that "just" Windows 7, without any other programs or whatever?
2. I saw you need to put the SSD in the first bay, move the HDD to the second bay, because otherwise the laptop wouldn't recognize the SSD as the boot drive. Is this correct?
3. After I've installed Windows 7 on the SSD using the CD I got from Dell, can I complete remove EVERYTHING on the HDD I moved to the second bay? I want it completely empty so I can use every available space on there for storage. I will use my SSD for the OS and some games.
Thanks in advance! -
I ordered vostro 3750 backlit keyboard. Same as 7720
The windows on 7720 is a normal installed UI. And the windows CD you get (if you call) them (got mine today by the way) is a clean windows7 64bit proffesional.
There is no bloatware or other programs on the CD.
Yes you can (after you installed) windows on the ssd erase everything on The harddrive if you like that
.....if you go inside "my computer" and discs formation you see 1 bay...2 bay...etc..... Same thing if you go inside " intel rapid technology" -
I just had the option to get a Windows 7 CD delivered while configuring at dell.nl (I'm Dutch). They didn't even charge me. For some weird reason the US Dell site doesn't have that option. -
Random question: Did anyone purchase the U.S. version with the 1tb 5400 rpm hdd with the msata? I want to see how performance with the stock hdd and msata would be. Also if I eventually purchased the Samsung 128gb ssd would I be able to use that with the Hdd and the msata and how would I use the hdd as storage while the ssd is a boot drive? Sorry for noob questions but im still learning.
Full blown SSD > HDD 5400rpm + mSATA > HDD 7200rpm
I just purchased a version with a 750GB 7200rpm HDD, without mSATA. I also purchased the Samsung 830 128GB SSD you are probably talking about. Just place the SSD in the remaining harddrive bay, install Windows 7 on it, and partition the HDD. Just make sure the laptop boots on the SSD, by either placing it in the bay the HDD was in previously (but I don't know if the mSATA only works for one bay, otherwise this isn't an option), or setting the second bay as the boot disk in the BIOS. -
i have a small question by the way..................when i looking inside BOOT options. (and inside BIOS).. first options in " removable drive" ??? (i gonna reinstall windows on the msata ssd. thats why i asking.)
it doesn't say SSD or something like that.... (so....removable drive inside BOOT is the msata SSD.....or ? -
It's if you want to boot from a USB drive (Linux Live, or similar). It might also detect external DVD drives the same way, though I'm not sure.
So whats the name on the mSATA SSD inside BOOT meny ???
if i install windows on the SSDA i need to know whats the name so it boot in first place -
I am looking for a multimedia notebook mainly for a multimedia domestic use, as watching films and series, play mp3 and music online and play games from time to time. So the main features for me are: A good Full HD display with good color, bright and constrast, a sound system as good as possible, low or moderate temperatures, and silent.
Before knowing about this notebook my first option was Asus N55SF S1284V, that provides two speakers with 11W in all plus an external subwoofer. As far as I know it is the top-notch in sound in notebooks. Is the audio performance of this Dell at the same level? Do you know?
BR -
the skull-candy speakers (2st + 1st sub-woofer) has the same Watt as xps 17..........about 22W. (i think the sound is very good for a mid range (price wise) laptop.
the new HP Envy with BEATS sound & analogue volume control looks awesome by the way.......but if you want a Envy with same hardware as 7720, you have to pay around $1500 bucks......no thanks. -
I wonder if people understand how loud a 0.5W speaker can be and that only W says nothing about the speaker's loudness.
I've just chatted with a Dell operator about this and this is what he said: He said that speakers are JBL. Then I replied that I thought that was in XPSs, he said that in XPS, too. Then I said if the sound system was then the same than in XPS and he replied "correct".
Then I said that I didn't understand why the speakers were then announced as SkullCandy, and asked if JBL and SkullCandy are the same trademark. His reply was "yes, they are the same" (really?).
At the end of the chat I requested confirmation again about if the sound system of Inspiron SE and XPS are the same. My question: "Are you sure that the Inspiron 17R SE's sound system is the same than XPS'?" His answer: "yes".
Well, if this is true, I guess the reviews of the XPS' sound system apply to this Inspiron. And as far as I know XPS' is one of the best sound systems in notebooks, if not the best.
But do you think it is true?
BR -
That's not true as far as I know, the JBL speakers in the XPS lineup is better than the Skullcandy speakers in the inspiron lineup. The inspiron speakers are still good, and better than for example beats audio in the envys. From general experience with laptops I've tried this is how I'd rate the speaker systems (all these has well above average speaker systems):
Asus N55/N56/N75/N76 with external sub.
Dell XPS with JBL.
Samsung Chronos 7 700Z7C with JBL.
Inspiron 17R SE with skullcandy. (don't really like speaker placement)
HP Envy with beats audio (low max volume drags it down quite a bit)
I've heard there are som good toshiba laptops with harman kardon too, but got no experience with these myself. -
The operator said that I could check the info calling to the Dell technical support service. I'll call tomorrow to ask about it.
Do you know if the sound quality of Inspiron is more or less the same than N53/N73 series of Asus? (without external subwoofer). Just to compare with a notebook that I know. -
Sound is very good, but you cannot play at maximum due to distorsions. BUT, for a normal person, that level is very loud. To put this in a different perspective, I would like that every laptop to have at least this kind of sound system.
two of my friends have the xps 17 with JBL audio.........from the very first day they got there xps 17, they spoke of the idiotic placement of the stereo speakers. (you lay your hand (especially on the left one) when you play games, i tried myself, not very smart.
second. they sound is a bit above average (no super sound there). pretty much the same with 7720 skullcandy,
the best sound ive heard is the new M18X from Alienware...............it blow the socks of all other high end laptop when it comes to good, rich sound with good bass....there is no laptop who is even close that sound.
M18X feature:
Creative Sound Blaster Recon3Di High-Definition 5.1-sound with THX TruStudio Pro (2.1 subwoofer)
audio codecs from Klipsch® -
Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but those who have purchased the 17 R SE without the MSATA drive, does the machine still have a MSATA slot? I know the 15 R SE doesn't unless you order it with one from the factory. Also, does anyone know where I can find the specs of the 3D vs non 3D screens?
Thanks -
Regarding the sound system:
The Dell tech you spoke to was just plain wrong*. Skull Candy and JBL are not affiliated, and are entirely different companies. As are their products. I have the 7720 SE, as well as an XPS 17. The long and short of it is that the JBL speakers are better - they're fuller generally, the bass is much tighter, and can hit lower frequencies (sub-~30Hz, which the Skull Candies can't) - though with a bit of EQ tuning, the Skull Candy set do come pretty close. They're also probably slightly louder than the JBLs, for whatever that counts for.
I've compared and tweaked the two sound systems side by side. If I had to choose on a pure audio stand-point, obviously I'd be going with the XPS 17, but with everything else this laptop has to offer over it's predecessor, I'd choose the 7720 now.
* Rule of thumb here: Assume the sales reps know nothing. Most of the time, it holds true. -
Can someone make a video review of their N7720? Doesn't need to be too fancy, there's just nothing good about it on youtube except gaming videos and bad unboxings.
Please? -
tonight i upload my new made DELL 7720 video (1080p) review on youtube.........i post the link.
Yes! Thank you very much. Ive been waiting for a review also.
I'm looking forward to this also
I have just ordered an Inspiron 17r, from the UK Dell Outlet, but I am unsure exactly what model I am getting?!!?
The order status shows the model number as "7702". Is this the normal 17r or the 17r se? Anyone able to clarify? Actually, I do not even know what the difference between the two models is!
The specs are as follows
Intel i5 3210m
1TB HDD (5400rpm)
6GB Ram
17.3" 1080p Screen with AntiGlare
DVD/CD drive
2GB Nvidia GT650m
6Cell Battery.
Just a couple of things that i have questioned since ordering:
1) Is there no 9cell battery option!!? I am very disappointed that there is no 9 cell battery available? I have seen that people get only 45 minutes out of the inclueded battery
2) What RAM does the GT650m use? is it the slower GDDR3?
3) Is it worth getting a SSD for the OS with the slower HDD installed? Will it help with loading/ running programs and games like Skyrim?
I paid only £517.00 for this laptop and feel that it is good value. The main concern I have is battery life as I will not always be near the mains -
General question for everyone out there. My spec. when I get to the checkout for this mentions hard drive - 750GB 7200RPM SATA, 2nd hard drive - 750GB 7200RPM SATA, Additional hard drive - 32GB mSATA SSD.
Does this mean I will get two 750GB HDDs??
One agent I spoke with confirmed that there were two, and another said there was only one. I'll make sure to keep a record of the agent telling me there were two. It clearly says in the spec that there is a 2nd hdd and I told him/her that it was a selling point for me. If I receive it with one HDD I will cite what they told me and request one.
For the others out there without the option of a UK backlit keyboard, the agent told me that I could get one with my order.
Dell 17r N7720 SE - user review
Discussion in 'Dell' started by c_man, Jul 4, 2012.