My 1555 with a T4200 Intel 2.0Ghz, 4 GB mem, intel video, Win 7 32 bit has developed an annoying delay in keyboard response and web site delay in both IE8 and Firefox. I'm assuming its the onboard video which I am now stuck with since it can't be upgraded. Any suggestions for speeding this brand new laptop up without giving up Windows 7 graphics? Can't believe this so called powerful laptop can't handle basic computing.
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
This isn't anything that should be slowed by having an integrated GPU... I'd say it's most likely a software issue. Is your CPU usage high when this happens? There might be some silly process(es) that don't like what you're doing...
I would agree with Cmdr. Wolf that it's most likely a software issue. What programs are running in the system tray/background and what AV are you using?
Dell 1555 delay in responding
Discussion in 'Dell' started by tobytigger, Feb 23, 2010.