Hi, I found a Dell 1525 on craigslist, and it has a Celeron cpu. In the case that it is to slow for my liking, [I didn't buy it yet,] I was wondering how easy it was to replace the CPU with, for example, a Coreā¢2 Duo Processor (i.e. T5450). So, I googled Dell 1525 motherboard and came up with this. From the looks of that it does not look easy to replace. But on this topic, [scroll down] it says it takes 10 minutes to replace! So if you could tell me where the CPU is located, and how to replace it, and how complicated it is (if it is a matter of unscrewing something on the bottom, and then replacing it, or is it the whole casing??) and/or post a picture of it, that'd be great, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks
Very easy- remove the bottom ( about 10 screws) remove the 4 screws on the heat sync over the cpu. the 2 on the GPU- the cooling will come off- the cpu is just under- there is 1 lock screw to release the cpu-
now there are diffenent sockets so make sure you get one that works in yours. The sockets will look the same but one "missing pin" is facing another dirrection. -
u can use dell service manuals to open ur box.
the cpu is located right beneath the heatsink.
and it will take abt an hour if u r doing it first time.
also don't forget to remove the dust in ur fan when u open ur box.clean ur system with a paint brush to avoid future problems like high temps and throttling issues. -
Thanks, so I see a couple of compartments on the bottom of this laptop..
Those are not it? Take the whole casing off? I do see some screws on the outside, roughly 10. Will it come off easy?
Dell 1525 replace Celeron CPU?
Discussion in 'Dell' started by mvmacd, Apr 16, 2010.