My Dell 1330 just won't boot. It goes through the Dell POST test (I changed that to 'Thorough' in the BIOS. When Windows should start to load, it is just a blank, black screen. Nothing ever happens. I've let it sit for nearly half an hour. I popped in the Vista disk and ran a repair, but that didn't fix it.
Any suggestions? I'm REALLY trying to avoid senidng it back to Dell...
Then you can format it either in the enclosure or in the computer
In the enclosure just
-go to my computer
-the laptop drive will be listed
-right click it and press format. now put it in your laptop and install windows.....that's what i would do. Or you could format it in your computer i think by putting in the media direct disc and following prompts it will get you ready to reinstall windows. It's not hard to do though and the hard drive enclosures are cheap and nice to have -
That seems like what it's going to boil down to. I don't have any files I need saved - I back those up regularly. But I REALLY don't want to go through the pain of reinstalling the drivers & software again. Grrr....
If the drivers are the same as for the M1530 I have a link to a 2 part rapidshare download that when you extract it, it extracts all of the drivers for it into one folder organized by category (video,sound,etc....) I can send you the link and you can extract the files, then burn the folder containing all of the drivers to a dvd or something if you'd like
Dell 1330 won't boot...
Discussion in 'Dell' started by BoredBillJ, Mar 14, 2008.