But it means that I can fix any mistake I make with my laptop.
I tested out that shadow copy and it literally went back to last night versus this morning. Any programs I had downloaded. Gone. Maybe one or two shortcuts left over.
This is in the business edition FYI.
I'm just posting it here since Vostro = Either Basic or Business.
Nice feature though -
Yeah, mine used 20 gigs. I disabled it to get the space back, even thought I have 100 gigs+ after disabling it. Just don't like the idea of space mysteriously disappearing. A slider for System Restore hard drive usage would be nice.
Shadow Copy would be a nice feature to have. Alas, Home Premium doesn't have it. Guess I'll just be left with a bunch of...
Final Report Save One.rtf
Final Report Save Two.rtf
Final Report Save Three.rtf
Final Report Save Four.rtf
Final Report Save Five.rtf
Final Report Save Six.rtf
Final Report Save Seven.rtf -
You can change the amount of space taken up by System Restore (by default it uses 15% of your space)
Start > cmd > CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER (Elevate) > vssadmin list shadowstorage
That will show you exactly how much space is currently being allocated. If you wish to modify, in the same prompt, enter:
vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=XGB
Replace X = How many GB's you want the maximum to be - I have mine set to 4GB so my command it:
vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /For=C: /On=C: /MaxSize=4GB
Hope this helps -
Reserved Egotist Notebook Enthusiast
How much does each uh.. "restore/shadow" point take in space? What's the minimum required for one backup?
DoubleBack: Yeah I know , but I have no reason to. 67 gigs, I'm not going to keep a lot of media on this. I have an external for that. And this is what I love about business
Dang 15 gigs is used on my Vostro because of System Restore/Shadow Copy
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Waveblade, Aug 16, 2007.